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24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методичес

Category: Methodical center
Date: 2020-11-24 11:21:25
24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методичес
  24.11.2020 года с участием заведующей методического кабинета ГУ «Городской отдел образования города Балхаш» Бектургановой А.О., заместителей директоров по УР школ города, в режиме онлайн посредством платформы ZOOM заместитель директора по учебно-методической работе Харламова Светлана Александровна выступила с аналитическим отчетом по теме «Зона ближайшего развития мето...
Author: School №4

Әркімнің өз арманы

Category: Working circles
Date: 2020-11-24 10:19:31
Оқушылар сарайының ұйымдастыруымен қашықтықтан өткен "Әркімнің өз арманы..." атты байқауға мектебіміздің президентті Мүкәрам Инабат қатысып, жүлделі ІІ-орынмен марапатталды. Құттықтаймыз!!
Author: School №8

Табиғат лирикасы

Category: LIBRARY
Date: 2020-11-24 10:13:37
"Бір отбасы - бір кітап" акциясы 2 Ә сынып оқушысы Берік Ақерке отбасымен Абай Құнанбайұлының табиғат лирикасы. https://www.facebook.com/100024446897564/videos/874480666710155 6 В сынып оқушысы Муханова Аида отбасымен. Абай Құнанбайұлының өлеңдері мәнерлеп оқу. https://www.facebook.com/100024446897564/videos/874478463377042
Author: School №8

"Болашақ тілдерді білуде"

Category: Методическая работа
Date: 2020-11-24 10:03:39
"Болашақ тілдерді білуде"


Category: our achievements
Date: 2020-11-24 09:05:08

"Ақ халатты абзал жандарға рахмет!"

Category: Working circles
Date: 2020-11-24 08:46:35
Мектебіміздің оқушылары Оқушылар сарайының қашықтықтан өткізген "Ақ халатты абзал жандарға рахмет!" атты алғыс байқауына қатысып, жүлделі І-ІІ орындармен марапатталды. Құттықтаймыз!!!  
Author: School №8

Results of the video presentation competition "Everybody has their own dreams ..." ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-23 22:45:36
Results of the video presentation competition
Every person has a dream. Each has its own dream and is original in its own way. And dreaming, as you know, is useful! Participants of the remote video-presentation competition “Everyone has their own dreams ...” could tell about their dreams. The competition was held by the Zhas Ulan children's and youth organization at the schoolchildren's palace in the city of Balkhash fro...

As part of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-11-23 22:42:41
As part of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev ...
The teacher of our school, Mugiyn Madina, took the third place in the city competition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Congratulations!

An interview with Maksat Makhmetovich Nurtazin, a traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category, head of the traumatology department, was organized within the framework of the regional project "Onegeli Omir" ...

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-11-23 22:38:39
An interview with Maksat Makhmetovich Nurtazin, a traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category, head of the traumatology department, was organized within the framework of the regional project
One of the tasks set by the Head of State in his article "Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity" is the implementation of the "Tugan Zher" program. In this regard, within the framework of the regional project "Onegeli omir" under the guidance of the teachers of our school Ilyas Tlekovich Zhaksygeldin and Elmira Serikovna Myltykbekov...

School subject Olympiad for students in grades 9-11 ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2020-11-23 22:34:04
School subject Olympiad for students in grades 9-11 ...
On November 18-19, a school subject Olympiad was held for students in grades 9-11. The rules and requirements were explained by the school administration at the opening ceremony of the Olympiad. The Olympiad was held in 11 subjects of the general education program and two directions: humanitarian, in which 19 schoolchildren took part, and natural sciences, in which 27 students tried their hand....

Information about class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2020-11-23 21:00:54
Information about class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President
   On November 23, 2020 in MSO "Lyceum Абай2 named after Abai in Balkhash" teachers of grades 1-4 in offline format, teachers of grades 5-11 in the classroom on "The role of President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan."  held.  Purpose: to reveal the essence of the holiday "December 1 - the Day of the Fi...
Author: Lyceum №2

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