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Елімнің еркіндігі-Тәуелсіздік" атты байқау

Category: Working circles
Date: 2020-12-20 22:44:43
Оқушылар сарайының ұйымдастыруымен қашықтықтан өткен "Елімнің еркіндігі-Тәуелсіздік" атты байқауға мектебіміздің оқушылары қатысып, жүлделі орындарға ие болды.Құттықтаймыз!
Author: School №8

Байқаудың қортындысы

Category: Working circles
Date: 2020-12-20 22:39:24
Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігі күніне орай 2020 жылдың 10-14 желтоқсан аралығында Оқушылар сарайы қашықтықтан "Авиа үлгілердің көрмелік көшірмелері" атты онлайн байқауы өтті. Бұл байқауға мектебімізден Баймурзин Айбат қатысып, жүлделі ІІІ орынға ие болды. Құттықтаймыз!
Author: School №8

An essay contest in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-20 20:45:43
An essay contest in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
On December 20, within the framework of the week of Methodological Unit of Primary Classes, an essay contest was held in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students of grades 2-4. The purpose of the event is to be able to express their thoughts, to form the style of written speech, to instill a sense of patriotism. In their works, students told about the events of...

«Тәуелсіз елім – тұғырың сенің биікте» атты қашықтықтан презентация байқауы өткізілді.

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2020-12-20 09:38:48
   In honor of the Independence Day celebration, a remote presentation contest "Tauelsiz elim – tugyryn senin biikte" was held from December 9 to 12 .The event was attended by students of the 5th grade of our school. The main goal of the competition is to develop students ' ideas about historical events on the way to independence. To educate them in patriotism, de...
Author: School №25

«Елімнің еркіндігі - Тәуелсіздік» атты шығарма байқауы өткізілді.

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-12-20 09:35:19
   On December 10-14, 2020, a remote essay contest "Elimnin yerkindigi - Tauelsizdik"was held in the Palace of Schoolchildren. the participants shared their thoughts and poems, proud to be descendants of an independent country. the competition was attended by students of the 8th grade of our school, i place - baydalina guldana, ii place-omenovna aruzhan. Congratulations!&...
Author: School №25

«Тәуелсіздік елім -тұғырың сенің биікте! атты презентация байқауы өтті.

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2020-12-20 09:31:06
    From 10 to 14 December 2020 in celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan schoolchildren's Palace was organized an exhibition "Tauelsizdik Elim-try sen bike! a presentation contest was held. The main purpose of the event is: to introduce students to love, respect, pride in their country, as well as the development of creative abilities. A student o...
Author: School №25

Тәуелсіздік күнімен құттықтаймын!

Category: Директор блогы
Date: 2020-12-20 09:25:45
Author: School №25

"Elimnin halyktynyz-Tauelsizdik", dedicated to the Independence Day.

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-20 09:23:41
   On December 15, 2020, an essay contest was held among students of grades 6-8 on the topic "Elimnin halyktynyz-Tauelsizdik", dedicated to the Independence Day. Participants took an active part in the competition. According to the results of the Essay, the first place was taken by Nesipbay Zhuldyz (7A), the second place by Esbergenova Aruzhan (7A) and the third place by Turl...
Author: School №25

Essay contest " Freedom of the country-independence"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-12-19 09:39:18
Essay contest
In KSU "Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay Balkhash "on December 14, according to the plan of events dedicated to the "Independence Day", the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Kuanyshbekova G. K. held a competition of essays, essays "Freedom of the country - independence" among grades 6-8. The goal is to promote the renewal of students ' consciousness thr...
Author: Lyceum №2

Robotics competition " My first robot"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-12-19 09:36:00
Robotics competition
In KSU "Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay Balkhash" on December 14, according to the plan of events dedicated to the "Independence Day", the computer science teacher Baizhumanova L. K. held a competition in robotics "My first robot". Students took an active part and created their first robots.   Purpose: popularization of the robotics club.
Author: Lyceum №2

Presentation exhibition of creative works " Independent country-your pedestal at the height"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-12-19 09:34:56
Presentation exhibition of creative works
In KSU "Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai Balkhash" on December 14, according to the plan of events dedicated to the "Independence Day", class teacher 2 g Bitanova K. sh.organized a presentation exhibition of creative works "Independent country-your pedestal at the height".   Purpose: Patriotic education of students, love for the Motherland and heroism; educati...
Author: Lyceum №2

Presentation contest "the Word about Independence"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-12-19 09:24:31
Presentation contest
In KSU" Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai of Balkhash "on December 11, according to the plan of events dedicated to the" Independence Day", the teacher of Informatics Jabasbayeva Zh.b. held a presentation contest"Word about Independence". Especially notable was the presentation made by the student 6A class kabdygali Gulshat and a student of 7A class Asilbekova Markhabba...
Author: Lyceum №2

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