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09.01.2021 жылы "Балқаш қ.№10 ЖББОМ" КММ директоры С. Г. Укпешова ата-аналармен "3 тоқсанда оқу-тәрбие үдерісін ұйымдастыру" тақырыбында "директор сағаты"онлайн кездесу өткізді.

Category: Director's blog
Date: 2021-01-11 13:58:39
09.01.2021 жылы
09.01.2021 жылы "Балқаш қ.№10 ЖББОМ" КММ директоры С. Г. Укпешова ата-аналармен "3 тоқсанда оқу-тәрбие үдерісін ұйымдастыру" тақырыбында "директор сағаты"онлайн кездесу өткізді. Ата-аналарға 3 тоқсанда қашықтықтан оқыту жүйесіне дайындық, 1-5 сынып оқушыларын кезекші сыныптарда оқыту және 9,11 сынып оқушыларын аралас оқыту туралы ақпарат берілді. Директор санитарлық...
Author: School №10

The results of the distance dance competition "New Year's Stars" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-11 13:01:41
The results of the distance dance competition
From 4 to 9 January 2021, the schoolchildren's palace hosted a distance dance competition "New Year's Stars". The students of our school took part in this competition and won prizes. The dance group of our school "Zhuldyz" took the 1st place and the student of the 3rd "Ә" class Tolegen Ainaz took the 1st place in solo performance. Congratulations!!!

Board of trustees

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2021-01-10 21:58:11
Author: School №6

"Leader's hour" on the topic "Organization of the educational process in the third quarter in conditions of distance learning" ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-01-09 19:27:04
On January 9, 2021, at 13:00 on the ZOOM platform, the “Leader's Hour” was held on the topic “Organization of the educational process in the third quarter in conditions of distance learning”. During the meeting, parents were informed about the readiness of students for the distance learning system in the third quarter and offline education for primary grades and atten...

The New Year 2021

Category: Speech of leader
Date: 2021-01-09 11:12:19
The New Year 2021
Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2021! Let the New Year 2021 be full of good news and success! Let each of your good deeds and new initiatives be a good companion, and your family will be happy and happy! I wish you success, high reputation, high reputation!
Author: School №9

Pedagogical meeting №3 was held

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2021-01-09 10:59:41
Pedagogical meeting №3 was held
On January 06, 2021, the next pedagogical council was held at secondary School No. 5 of the Secondary School. Deputy Director for Information Work Mukametzhan T. D. spoke on the topic" The impact of the use of ICT in the education system on the development of students". the role of the distance learning system is currently very important for the education sector, as through this system...
Author: School №5

School coordinator Imangalieva Zh. M. held an intra-school training seminar on the topic " Lesson study-a bright path of professional development

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2021-01-09 10:49:05
School coordinator Imangalieva Zh. M. held an intra-school training seminar on the topic
Coordinator of the school of secondary school No. 5 in Balkhash Imangalieva Zh. M. held an intra-school training seminar on the topic: "Lesson study – a bright path of professional development", " consideration of approaches to planning LESSON STUDY (lesson study)" in accordance with the plan of the magnetic school. Goal: Promote the choice of subjects, effective ac...
Author: School №5

According to the action plan for the winter holidays in "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" on December 31 between grades 1-4 organized by the head of 3 B class N.N.Zhortarova in order to improve the aesthetic taste of students, drawing skills and ar

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-09 09:08:37
According to the action plan for the winter holidays in
According to the action plan for the winter holidays in "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" on December 31 between grades 1-4 organized by the head of 3 B class N.N.Zhortarova in order to improve the aesthetic taste of students, drawing skills and art, creativity education. The drawing contest "Santa Claus" was held. Students took an active part.
Author: Lyceum №2

According to the action plan for the winter holidays in "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town" on January 4 between grades 1-4 organized by the head of 3 B class Amantaeva Zh.E. in order to increase the aesthetic taste of students and attract them

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-09 09:06:58
According to the action plan for the winter holidays in
According to the action plan for the winter holidays in "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash town" on January 4 between grades 1-4 organized by the head of 3 B class Amantaeva Zh.E. in order to increase the aesthetic taste of students and attract them to art and creativity.  Crafts competition "Merry Snowman" was held.  Students took an active part.  We than...
Author: Lyceum №2

The results of the competition of New Year's crafts "Father Frost's workshop"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-09 01:31:15
The results of the competition of New Year's crafts
 From 4 to 8 January 2021, a competition of New Year's crafts "Father Frost's Workshop" was held among schoolchildren in a distance format, organized by the Schoolchildren's Palace. The aim of the competition was to create a festive atmosphere and mood, to develop the creative abilities of children in artistic and creative activities with their parents. Children's...

Results of the video competition "The best constructive lesson ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-09 01:28:05
Results of the video competition
On January 8, the secondary school of linguistic direction № 16, as a leading school, presented the results of the video competition "The best constructive lesson" among teachers of partner schools. The purpose of the competition is to select the best video lessons in secondary education using modern educational technologies to expand the possibilities of distance learning. The competi...

On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-09 01:25:14
On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform
On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform" Agenda items: І. “Innovations in the educational process. Problems and ways to solve them ", Deputy for educational work Amandykova A. N. Co-rapporteurs: 1. "The work of the trio" Parent, student, school "in the distance learning system and ways of sol...

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