Челлендж “Молодежь - нового века!” от ученицы 10“Б” класса Гуртовенко Виктории

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-01-25 11:05:40
Челлендж “Молодежь - нового века!” от ученицы 10“Б” класса Гуртовенко Виктории
Author: School №4

Челлендж “Молодежь - нового века!” от ученицы 10“Б” класса Кездыкпаевой Оксаны

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-01-25 11:02:36
Челлендж “Молодежь - нового века!” от ученицы 10“Б” класса Кездыкпаевой Оксаны
Author: School №4

Челлендж “Молодежь- нового века!”от ученицы 10“Б” класса Широчук Дарьи

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-01-25 10:59:43
Челлендж “Молодежь- нового века!”от ученицы 10“Б” класса Широчук Дарьи
Author: School №4

18.01.2021 года в рамках Недели грамотности среди учащихся 10 классов проведен челлендж “Молодежь нового поколения!” Челлендж от ученика 10“Б” класса Дитлера Артема

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-01-25 10:57:38
18.01.2021 года в рамках Недели грамотности среди учащихся 10 классов проведен челлендж “Молодежь нового поколения!” Челлендж от ученика 10“Б” класса Дитлера Артема
Author: School №4

29.12.2020 жылы әлеуметтік жоба аясында мектеп түлектерінің кикбоксингтен әлем чемпионы, жаттықтырушы, Үсен Жомарт Қуатұлымен кездесу - сұхбат өтті.

Category: кәсіптік бағдар
Date: 2021-01-25 10:56:47
29.12.2020 жылы әлеуметтік жоба аясында мектеп түлектерінің кикбоксингтен әлем чемпионы, жаттықтырушы, Үсен Жомарт Қуатұлымен кездесу - сұхбат өтті.
29.12.2020 жылы әлеуметтік жоба аясында мектеп түлектерінің кикбоксингтен әлем чемпионы, жаттықтырушы,  Үсен Жомарт Қуатұлымен кездесу - сұхбат өтті. Онлайн диалогқа қатысушылардың арасында 7-10 сынып оқушылары мен сынып жетекшілері болды. Диалогтың басты мақсаты-жасөспірімдерге спортпен шұғылдану және салауатты өмір салтын ұстану қаншалықты маңызды екенін еске салу. Қонақтар мен жігіттерді...
Author: School №10

The events held at the week of literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation", organized within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin", have come to an end...

Category: Socio-pedagogical project "ZEYIN"
Date: 2021-01-24 20:08:22
The events held at the week of literacy
The events held at the week of literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation", organized within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin", have come to an end. A number of activities were organized and planned at our school during the week. According to the plan, students in grades 1-11 of our school, parents, prominent citizens and school teachers took a...

The book festival "Kitap Fest" was held...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 20:02:29
The book festival
 A book is a spiritual treasure, inexhaustible wealth, a mirror of life, a mystery of time, a chronicle of history, a manual for education. That is why they say: "All knowledge is in the book". On January 23, in accordance with the plan of the Week of Reading Literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation" with the participation of students of grades 8-9,...

A training “The role of parents in teaching and upbringing of children” was held with parents of the 10th grade...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 19:58:26
A training “The role of parents in teaching and upbringing of children” was held with parents of the 10th grade...
 If the main thing in teaching and upbringing of a child is the personality of the teacher, then the parents are further support. Parents want their child to be a good person, educated, hardworking, humble and kind. Guided by this principle, on January 23, 2021, within the framework of the week “XXI century - the century of the literate generation”, a training “The role of...

A demonstration of the Kazakh cartoon "Tolagai" was organized for 2-grade students...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 19:55:46
A demonstration of the Kazakh cartoon
On January 23, on a zoom platform, during the week of reading literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation", held within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin", a demonstration of the Kazakh cartoon "Tolagai" was organized for 2-grade students. At the end of watching the cartoon, the children shared their thoughts and realized that Tolagai i...

A tour of the republican and international book museums and public libraries was held ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 19:53:00
A tour of the republican and international book museums and public libraries was held ...
On January 23, during the Week of Reading Literacy "XXI Century - the Century of the Literate Generation", held within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin", an excursion to the republican and international book museums and public libraries was conducted among students of the 2nd grade. During the event, an online tour was organized for students, where students were i...

A class hour to exchange opinions about the films "My name is Kozha" and "My name is Kozha too" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 19:49:27
A class hour to exchange opinions about the films
On January 23, 2021, at the Mikhail Rusakov Sanatorium Boarding School, within the framework of the reading literacy week “XXI century - the century of the literate generation!”, Held at the regional level among 6th grade students, a class hour was held online to exchange opinions about films “My name is Kozha” and “My name is Kozha too”, which compared and co...

Student book trailers are issued ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-24 19:46:25
Student book trailers are issued ...
Within the framework of the regional project "ZEYIN" and the Week of Reading Literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation", book trailers are issued for students in accordance with the school plan in order to increase the number of book lovers and increase the level of reading literacy. One of these book trailers is "The Book - the Teacher of Life"...

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