OSH No. 9 on moral and sexual education information of the class hour

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-02-01 09:35:16
OSH No. 9 on moral and sexual education information of the class hour
Currently, the republic has an unfavorable situation related to the health and moral behavior of children, adolescents and young people, the main reasons for which,in the context of sexual relations, are a decrease in morality, lack of necessary knowledge on the preservation and promotion of health, in order to raise awareness of the problem in grades 1-11, class hours were held on the following t...
Author: School №9

We present an overview of the events held during the week...

Category: Socio-pedagogical project "ZEYIN"
Date: 2021-02-01 00:20:35
We present an overview of the events held during the week...
 The Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics Around Us" and the Week of Methodological Combination of Natural and Mathematical Subjects "Natural Science and Globalization", organized at our school from January 25 to January 30, have ended. We present an overview of the events held during the week.   Date: 31.01.2021, 20:29 Author: MSI "...

An exhibition of drawings "Mathematics through the eyes of children" was organized among students of grades 2-4...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:17:31
An exhibition of drawings
In order to implement the regional project "Zeyin", organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", an exhibition of drawings "Mathematics through the eyes of children" was organized among students of grades 2-4. Student...

A discussion was held on the topic "The role of mathematics in life" among students of 9 grades...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:14:29
A discussion was held on the topic
 On January 30, within the framework of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics Around Us", in order to improve mathematical literacy, broaden the horizons, increase the activity of students, a discussion was held on the topic "The role of mathematics in life" among students of 9 grades. During the discussion, the participants expressed their opinion about the rol...

An open lesson was held with 7th grade students on the topic "Atmosphere pressure. Measurement of atmospheric pressure"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:11:31
An open lesson was held with 7th grade students on the topic
On January 29, Akbarkhulov Zh. K., a physics teacher at the Mikhail Rusakov sanatorium boarding school, during the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics Around Us" and the methodological week of natural and mathematical disciplines, organized within the framework of a regional project "Zeyin", an open lesson was held with 7th grade students on the topic "Atmosphere...

A seminar "Application of PISA tasks in biology"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:08:36
A seminar
On January 29, Khamitova S. K., a teacher of biology and chemistry at the Mikhail Rusakov sanatorium boarding school, within the framework of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics Around Us" and as part of the methodological unification of natural and mathematical disciplines, a seminar "Application of PISA tasks in biology" was held. Objective: To improve the functi...

An educational game for 5th grade on the topic "Mathematical quiz"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:06:09
An educational game for 5th grade on the topic
 In order to increase students' interest in mathematics, develop the skill of mathematical thinking, the ability to connect life with mathematics, on January 29, as part of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", an educational game for 5 grades on the topic "Mathematical quiz" was held in our school. During the game, the pupils were interested in...

A business game was held among students of the 3rd grade...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:03:52
A business game was held among students of the 3rd grade...
 Within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", a business game was held among students of the 3rd grade. Purpose: to develop students' memory and logical thinking, to broaden their horizons, to increase their interest in mathematics. The participants of the game were divided into two groups: "Algyrlar" and "Tapkyrlar". I...

Among the pupils of 2 "B" and 3 "B" grades there was an intellectual game "Clever boys and clever girls" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-02-01 00:01:23
Among the pupils of 2
As part of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us" on January 29, among students of 2 "B" and 3 "B" grades, an intellectual game "Clever boys and clever girls" was held. The children demonstrated ingenuity and activity, the ability to solve non-standard tasks, because when solving such tasks, ingenuity and thinking develops, the level of...

A video competition "Happiness Nest" was held...

Category: "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"
Date: 2021-01-31 23:58:54
A video competition
 On January 29, within the framework of the information campaign "Self-knowledge - the pedagogy of love and creativity" among the primary grades of Amanbekova G. M. and Bilal N. Zh., a video competition "Happiness Nest" was held. Students in each class prepared a video about their family. The purpose of the competition: to connect the relationship between parents and chi...

«Ғылымның алғашқы баспалдақтары»

Category: Working with gifted children
Date: 2021-01-31 18:06:40
Дарынды оқушылардың танымдық- шығармашылық қаблеттерін дамыту және ғылыми –зерттеушілік жобаға дайындау мақсатында , қаңтар айының 30-жұлдызында «Бір мұғалім, бір жоба» акциясы аясында қашықтықтан «Ғылымның алғашқы баспалдақтары» атты оқушылардың мектепішілік ғылыми- практикалық конференцияның 2-кезеңі өткізілді. «Дарынды ұстаздан,дарынды шәкірт шығады»...
Author: School №8

"Күнделікті өмірдегі математика"

Category: Ғылыми- әдістемелік жұмыс
Date: 2021-01-31 17:53:50
Балқаш қаласы №8 жалпы білім беретін мектебінде Қарағанды облысы білім беруді дамытудың оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен «Математика айналамызда» математикалық сауаттылығы апталығы аясында Бигазина Г. К. "Күнделікті өмірдегі математика" тақырыбында квест ойынын ұйымдастырды. Мақсаты: оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру. 8 сынып оқушылары белсенді қатыст...
Author: School №8

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