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Ас мәзірі

Category: food
Date: 2021-02-04 11:53:45
меню на 20.01.2021г Завтрак: Каша пшеничная молочная хлеб с маслом, сыр какао с молоком 10.00ч. Сок фруктовый Обед: 1. Щи на к/б со сметаной 2. Тефтели с горошницей соус томатный 3. Компот плодово-ягодный вит "С" хлеб пшеничный хлеб ржаной Ужин: Кукуруза десертная Омлет хлеб пшеничный йогурт вафли

01.02.21 года состоялась встреча по профориентационной работе учащихся 11 класса Школы-лицея №17 с Карагандинским университетом им. Е.А.Букетова.

Category: Кәсіптік бағдарлау
Date: 2021-02-04 10:06:10
01.02.21 года состоялась встреча по профориентационной работе учащихся 11 класса Школы-лицея №17 с Карагандинским университетом им. Е.А.Букетова.
01.02.21 года состоялась встреча по профориентационной работе учащихся 11 класса Школы-лицея №17 с Карагандинским университетом им. Е.А.Букетова. Дали большую информацию о поступлении в ВУЗ: факультеты и программы, 49 кафедр университета, сотрудничество, единое национальное тестирование, минимальные пороговые баллы для поступления в КарУ, приём документов и оплата за обучение, конкурентные преим...
Author: School №17

"Hour of loyalty"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-04 09:51:28
"Hour of loyalty"   On February 2, 2021, students of school-lyceum №2 named after Abai became members of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, laureate of the international festival "Shabyt" and the State Youth Prize "Daryn", winner of the literary prize "Altyn Kalam" and many others in the country.  The author of the work watched the online le...
Author: Lyceum №2

Мектеп асханасы

Category: Школьное питание
Date: 2021-02-04 09:09:07
Мектеп асханасы
1 ақпаннан бастап №17мектеп – лицейде  барлық санитарлық нормаларды сақтай отырып, 1 сынып оқушыларын тегін тамақтандырды. Кезекші сыныптардың асханаға бару кестесі жасалды. Қарағанды облысы бойынша толыққанды дұрыс тамақтануды ұйымдастыру мақсатында бірыңғай мәзір бекітілді. Мәзірде: сиыр еті гарнир: ұсақ қарақұмық бал қосылған сүт, қара бидай наны. Мектеп асханасының жалға алушысы Щ...
Author: School №17

Excursion-lesson with 11th grade students on the ZOOM platform on the topic "My IT-world"

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-02-04 00:36:09
Excursion-lesson with 11th grade students on the ZOOM platform on the topic
On February 3, in the Mikhail Rusakov sanatorium boarding school, within the framework of the Digital World Information Literacy Development Week, S. K. Khamitova conducted an excursion-lesson with grade 11 students on the ZOOM platform on the topic “My IT World”. An overview was made of the most popular browsers and social networks, that is, online platforms. These are: Google, Face...

Excursion lesson on the topic "Mobile devices: risks and dangers" for students in grades 9-10 ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-04 00:32:32
Excursion lesson on the topic
 In order to implement the regional project "Zeyin", organized by the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region, within the framework of the Information Literacy Week "Digital World" on February 3, an excursion lesson on the topic "Mobile devices: risks and dangers" was held for students in grades 9-10. The s...

The school psychologist, through the ZOOM service, conducted an information hour “Child safety on the Internet. Code of Conduct and Parental Control "...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-02-04 00:26:21
The school psychologist, through the ZOOM service, conducted an information hour “Child safety on the Internet. Code of Conduct and Parental Control
The problem of ensuring information security of children in information and telecommunication networks is becoming more and more urgent in connection with a significant increase in the number of underage users. In this regard, on February 3, within the framework of the Digital World Information Literacy Week, a school psychologist at the school, through the ZOOM service, held an information hour...

Mobile Literacy lesson...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-02-04 00:23:27
Mobile Literacy lesson...
On February 3, as part of the Digital World Information Literacy Week, the ZOOM platform hosted a Lessons in Mobile Literacy lesson with students in grades 7-8. In the lesson, students were provided with information about the development of mobile communications and the digital sphere in general, about useful products and services that are relevant in the modern world, as well as about Internet...

In the 4th "A" class, an educational game "Communication in social networks" was held ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2021-02-04 00:19:46
In the 4th
During the week of development of information literacy "Digital World", held within the framework of the regional project "Zeyin" on February 3, in the 4th "A" class, an educational game "Communication in social networks" was held. The purpose of the event is to familiarize with the rules of conduct in social networks, as well as the correct use of the Int...

Cognitive game with 3-grade students on the topic "Information Security" ...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-02-04 00:15:48
Cognitive game with 3-grade students on the topic
On February 3, within the framework of the regional week of development of information literacy "Digital World", an educational game was organized with students of grade 3 on the topic "Information Security". Objective: To update knowledge about information literacy and safe online behavior. Raise student interest in learning and computer science. The event took place in a pl...

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