Ас мәзірі

Category: food
Date: 2021-02-03 17:23:19
меню на 19.01.2021г Завтрак: Каша молочная "Дружба" хлеб с маслом какао с молоком 10.00ч. Яблоки Обед: Салат витаминный 1. Суп- лапша домашняя на кур/б 2. Котлета куринная соус томатный картофельное пюре 3. Компот из с/ф вит "С" Ужин: Суфле из рыбы с отвар. рисом соус томатный хлеб чай с молоком

Public utility company "Nursery - garden" Baldauren "of the education department of the city of Balkhash of the education department of the Karaganda region"

Category: About kindergarden
Date: 2021-02-03 16:32:27
Address:   Karaganda region Balkhash town, Sayak village, Shkolnaya street, building 29A Building   Built in 1979 Project capacity   125seats Full name Public utility co...

02.02.2021 among students of grades 9-11 through the ZOOM platform "nature protection is the responsibility of each of us". An educational hour was held on the topic:" black spots of monitoring the quality of the environment".

Category: "Жас Сарбаздар" клубы
Date: 2021-02-03 15:14:05
02.02.2021 among students of grades 9-11 through the ZOOM platform "nature protection is the responsibility of each of us". An educational hour was held on the topic:" black spots of monitoring the quality of the environment".

02.02.2021 among students of grades 5-8 through the ZOOM platform "Earth is our common home". "Topographic journey. An educational hour was held on the theme" Love and know your land".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-03 15:10:46
02.02.2021 among students of grades 5-8 through the ZOOM platform "Earth is our common home". "Topographic journey. An educational hour was held on the theme" Love and know your land"..

02.02.2021 among students of grades 1-4, 1-4 social projects through the ZOOM platform. An educational hour was held on the theme" fake and meme".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-03 15:07:45
02.02.2021 among students of grades 1-4, 1-4 social projects through the ZOOM platform. An educational hour was held on the theme" fake and meme".

Dear students, parents and teachers! We would like to inform you that the school canteen has started its work on February 1, 2021 in the Gymnasium school No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin for feeding students from duty classes!!! The school canteen was or

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-02-03 15:05:09
Dear students, parents and teachers! We would like to inform you that the school canteen has started its work on February 1, 2021 in the Gymnasium school No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin for feeding students from duty classes!!! The school canteen was organized according to the algorithm of sanitary standards. According to the capacity of the school canteen, the number of students will be 35-...

Dear students, parents and teachers! We would like to inform you that the school canteen has started its work on February 1, 2021 in the Gymnasium school No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin for feeding students from duty classes!!! The school canteen was or

Category: Әлеуметтік педагог
Date: 2021-02-03 15:05:07
Dear students, parents and teachers! We would like to inform you that the school canteen has started its work on February 1, 2021 in the Gymnasium school No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin for feeding students from duty classes!!! The school canteen was organized according to the algorithm of sanitary standards. According to the capacity of the school canteen, the number of students will be 35-...

✅ On January 26-28, 2021, the XVI Republican stage of research projects and creative works of students of grades 1-7 "Zerde" came to an end. Tanabay Daniyal, a student of the 3A class of the KSU" school - gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin", took pa

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-02-03 11:25:36
✅ On January 26-28, 2021, the XVI Republican stage of research projects and creative works of students of grades 1-7 "Zerde" came to an end. Tanabay Daniyal, a student of the 3A class of the KSU" school - gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin", took part in the computer science section and took the third place. Head: Tolkyn Kobestayevna Pensionullina. Congratulations!!!!...

Информация по организации горячего бесплатного здорового питания школьников в Общеобразовательной школе №10

Category: Nutrition Information
Date: 2021-02-03 11:19:54
Информация по организации горячего бесплатного здорового питания школьников в Общеобразовательной школе №10
С 3 февраля 2021 года в КГУ «ОШ №10» дополнительно организовано бесплатного горячее питание для учащихся дежурных 2-ых классов (58 учащихся). С детьми проведены беседы о правилах поведения в столовой, обязательном соблюдении каждого ребенка санитарных норм. За выполнение санитарно-гигиенических норм и за порядком в школьной столовой следят учителя и администрация школы (имеется г...
Author: School №10

"Медиа және ақпараттық сауаттылық. Сетикет - интернеттегі мінез-құлық ережелері"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-03 09:01:44
 6 "А" сынып Сынып сағаты: "Медиа және ақпараттық сауаттылық. Сетикет - интернеттегі мінез-құлық ережелері" Мақсаты:   Тақырып бойынша өтетін сөздерді, сөз тіркестерін сөйлемде дұрыс қолдана білуге үйрету. Оқушыларға ақпараттық құралдарды дұрыс пайдалану жолдары, зияны және пайдасы туралы түсінік беру. Тәрбиелік: Мінез құлық мәдениетіне, оның ішіндегі и...

Flyer competition...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-02 23:34:40
Flyer competition...
 From 28 to 31 January 2021, the schoolchildren's palace organized a flyer contest "Coronaviruses tottatygyz!" According to the terms of the competition, it is necessary to create a flyer using a short text corresponding to the topic. Students of the 10th grade of our school Seyfulla Saken and Imanov Daryn took part in this competition. According to the results of the competit...

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