16.02.2021 on the topic"prevention of Infectious Diseases" at 14:00, an epidemiologist of the AIDS Center Batyrbekova A. A., a social teacher Kanat took part in the competition among grades 8-11."I Don't Know," He Said."I don't know," he said, " but I'm s

Category: Әлеуметтік педагог
Date: 2021-02-17 10:26:00
16.02.2021 on the topic"prevention of Infectious Diseases" at 14:00, an epidemiologist of the AIDS Center Batyrbekova A. A., a social teacher Kanat took part in the competition among grades 8-11."I Don't Know," He Said."I don't know," he said, " but I'm sure it's a good idea."An online lecture was held on the ZOOM platform with the particip...

5-7 сыныптар арасында ЖЗШҒА ның жобалар сайысына барлығы 13 жоба ұсынылды. Нәтижесінде: ІІ орын – 1 оқушы, ІІІ орын – 2 оқушы, Мадақтама – 2 оқушы, Алғыс хат – 8 оқушы.

Category: Ғылыми жобалар байқауы
Date: 2021-02-17 10:11:48
5-7 сыныптар арасындаЖЗШҒА ның жобалар сайысына барлығы 13 жоба  ұсынылды. Нәтижесінде: ІІ орын – 1 оқушы, ІІІ орын – 2 оқушы, Мадақтама – 2 оқушы, Алғыс хат – 8 оқушы. Олар: № Жұмыстың тақырыбы Автордың аты, тегі Сыныбы секция Жетекшінің тегі, аты, әкесінің...

"СӨС он артықшылығы " тақырыбында сынып сағаттары өтті.

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-17 09:19:51
"Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы №25 жалпы білім беретін мектебі" КММ-де Қарағанды облысы білім беруді дамытудың оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен облыстық «Денің сау болса, бәрін аласың» дене шынықтыру сауаттылық апталығы аясында 1-5 сыныптар арасында "СӨС он артықшылығы " тақырыбында сынып сағаттары өтті.
Author: School №25

«Ауғанның от жалыны» атты буклет байқауы өтті.

Category: Our achievements
Date: 2021-02-17 09:06:19
  Оқушылар сарайының ұйымдастыруымен 2021 жылдың 09 ақпанынан 12 ақпаны аралығында қашықтықта «Ауғанның от жалыны» атты буклет байқауы өтті. Байқаудың мақсаты - Ауған соғысы туралы оқушылардың білімін кеңейту; әскери борыш пен Отанға деген адалдық, ар-намыс, батылдық, өзін-өзі құрбан ету туралы түсінік қалыптастыру; ауған оқиғаларына қатысушыларға құрмет сезімін ояту болды....
Author: School №25

On February 15-19, the week of Physical Culture and health literacy "in the world of children's sports" was launched in the mini - Center "Balbobek" of the KSU 7 School - gymnasium named after S. Seifullin in Balkhash. According to the age characteristics

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2021-02-17 08:38:29
On February 15-19, the week of Physical Culture and health literacy "in the world of children's sports" was launched in the mini - Center "Balbobek" of the KSU 7 School - gymnasium named after S. Seifullin in Balkhash. According to the age characteristics of the children, morning exercises with breathing gymnastic elements were performed.With the participation of parent...

Talented students of our school took part in the XXV city competition"Zhas Kanat - 2021", held as part of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-02-17 08:35:52
Talented students of our school took part in the XXV city competition"Zhas Kanat - 2021", held as part of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the KSCP"cultural and entertainment center of Balkhash city "of the state institution" Department of culture and languages of Balkhash city " and won prizes.  The main prize was awarded to A...

"Roboland 2021"...

Category: Work of clubs and sports sections
Date: 2021-02-17 00:30:26
Today, 16. 02. 2021, on the basis of KSU "Palace of schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash" in order to increase the interest of students in robotics and programming, the city qualifying stage of the VIІ International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "Roboland 2021" was held. The competition was attended by 16 teams from all schools from 5 to 7 gr...

"Roboland 2021"...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-02-17 00:27:57
 Today, 16. 02. 2021, on the basis of KSU "Palace of schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash" in order to increase the interest of students in robotics and programming, the city qualifying stage of the VIІ International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies "Roboland 2021" was held. The competition was attended by 16 teams from all schools from 5 t...

The results of the city Olympiad in general subjects ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2021-02-17 00:25:28
The results of the city Olympiad in general subjects ...
 In the city stage of the republican Olympiad for students in grades 9-11, which took place on February 8-11, 20 students took part in 16 general education subjects, as a result: 1) Mathematics: Grade 9, Suyindik Erniyaz - ІІІ place; 2) Physics: grade 11, Ayaganova Bayan - ІІ place; 3) Informatics: grade 9, Dosymzhan Sagyndykov - ІІІ place; 4) Russian language: grade 9, Sapargalieva...

February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Booklet Competition Results ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-17 00:22:46
February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Booklet Competition Results ...
February 15 - Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In this regard, from February 9 to 12, 2021, the Palace of Schoolchildren held a distance booklet competition. The purpose of the competition: to reveal and explain to students the historical meaning of the Afghan war, tell about war veterans and arouse respect for them. Pupils of our school took an active part in this compet...

A class hour with 5th grade students on the topic "Language - the legacy of centuries" ...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2021-02-17 00:20:00
A class hour with 5th grade students on the topic
 Language is the greatest asset of the nation and its integral symbol. Nature, civilization, consciousness, literacy of a nation in the broadest sense are measured by its linguistic culture, the breadth of use of this language. On February 15, in order to implement the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bitleuova Zhazira Berikovna spent a class hour with 5th grade students on th...

In the local history museum of our school there was an excursion on the theme "Afghanistan is in our memory" ...

Category: Local History Museum
Date: 2021-02-17 00:16:47
In the local history museum of our school there was an excursion on the theme
One of the darkest years in the annals of history is the Afghan war. The tragic war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years and 10 months. This terrible war, which was initially silent, brought grief and pain to many families. On February 15, 2021, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, an excursion on the theme "Afghanistan is in our memory"...

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