On 24.02.2021, class teachers of grades 1-11 held an hour of class teachers to inform on the results of intra-school control with familiarization with the amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Occupational Safety and Health in the Republ

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2021-02-24 17:45:16
On 24.02.2021, class teachers of grades 1-11 held an hour of class teachers to inform on the results of intra-school control with familiarization with the amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Occupational Safety and Health in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

"Striving for innovation - in primary school»

Date: 2021-02-24 17:37:38
On 24.02.21, the teacher of the "school-lyceum No. 2 named after Abai Balkhash" Kairkul Azamat Muratbekovich held an open lesson in the Kazakh language in the 4th grade within the framework of the week of primary classes "striving for innovation-in primary classes". The lesson was attended by the deputy director for academic affairs of the school-lyceum Baitursynova Manshuk S...
Author: Lyceum №2

Menu and photos 24.02.2021

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-02-24 16:53:32
Menu and photos 24.02.2021

On 22.02.2021, the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin held class hours dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev - "Homer of the twentieth century", Zhyr duldili, poet of the century, Zhyrlagan one hundred years

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-02-24 16:10:09
On 22.02.2021, the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin held class hours dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev - "Homer of the twentieth century", Zhyr duldili, poet of the century, Zhyrlagan one hundred years

Weekly menu

Category: Catering for the 2020-2021 academic year
Date: 2021-02-24 15:54:19
Author: School №5

Бесплатное и льготное питание. Инструкция для родителей

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2021-02-24 15:38:21
Бесплатное и льготное питание. Инструкция для родителей
Author: School №4

Бесплатное и льготное питание. Инструкция для родителей

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2021-02-24 15:33:55
Author: School №4

"My dad is the strongest" video competition ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-24 12:37:08
 From 19 to 22 February 2021, the Schoolchildren's Palace organized a video competition "My dad is the strongest". Under the terms of the competition, students must create a video about their father, one of the most important people in life. A student of the 7th grade of our school Baltabek Zhanbota took part in the competition, whose work won the first prize. Congratulations!...

A library hour for ninth-graders on the topic "Zhambyl's legacy - the legacy of an eternal country"...

Category: В честь 175-летия поэта Жамбыла Жабаева
Date: 2021-02-24 12:34:56
A library hour for ninth-graders on the topic
 On February 23, in honor of the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev, the school library organized a library hour for ninth-graders on the topic "Zhambyl's legacy - the legacy of an eternal country." Purpose: to acquaint students with the life and work of the poet Zhambyl Zhabayev. During the event, students watched a video review of the poet's biography and learned more...

A class hour on the topic "Know other languages, but respect your native language"...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2021-02-24 12:31:55
A class hour on the topic
On February 22, a class hour on the topic "Know other languages, but respect your native language" was held for students of grade 4 as part of the state program for the implementation of the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025. Purpose: to educate intelligent citizens who respect the language of their people, to teach students to understand the value of their na...

«Жыр алыбы - Жамбыл» атты мәнерлеп оқу байқауы туралы ақпарат

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2021-02-24 11:40:18
«Жыр  алыбы - Жамбыл»  атты  мәнерлеп оқу байқауы туралы ақпарат
2021 жылы 24 ақпан күні Балқаш қаласындағы ЖББ № 4 орта мектебінде  жыр алыбы – Жамбыл Жабаевтың туғанына 175 жыл толуына арналған  мектепішілік жоспарға сәйкес 9-сынып оқушылары арасында мәнерлеп оқу байқауы ұйымдастырылды. Бұл іс-шараның  мақсаты: Жамбыл Жабаевтың қазақ және әлемдік  әдебиетке қосқан үлесін тереңірек зерделеп, өскелең ұрпаққа әдеби мұра арқылы от...
Author: School №4

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