We bring to your attention a book trailer prepared by the school library for the "Family Reading" competition held within the framework of the regional project "One Family - One Book"...

Category: 180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin
Date: 2021-03-09 15:46:03
We bring to your attention a book trailer prepared by the school library for the
This year marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh educator, writer, ethnographer Ibrai Altynsarin. The literary works of Ibrai Altynsarin are very close to children. Therefore, he is called "the father of Kazakh children's literature." Among the 30 books selected for the 30th anniversary of independence this year, it is recommended to read the story "...

Results of the week of reading literacy ...

Category: Socio-pedagogical project "ZEYIN"
Date: 2021-03-09 15:01:53
Results of the week of reading literacy ...
From March 1 to March 6, 2021, in order to implement the regional project "Zeyin" in the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov of the education department of the city of Balkhash of the education department of the Karaganda region, a week of reading literacy "XXI century - the century of the literate generation" was held. The purpose of the event is the devel...

Challenge dedicated to the International Day of March 8, prepared by the members and the head of the Adal Urpak club.

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-09 14:56:52
Challenge dedicated to the International Day of March 8, prepared by the members and the head of the Adal Urpak club.
Challenge dedicated to the International Day of March 8, prepared by the members and the head of the Adal Urpak club.

Ас мәзірі

Category: food
Date: 2021-03-09 14:09:59
меню на 10.03.2021г Завтрак: Каша геркулесовая молочная хлеб с маслом, сыр цикорий с молоком 10.00ч Сок яблочный Обед: Салат овощной 1. Суп гороховый на к/б 2. Ленивые голубцы с соусом 3. Компот из с/ф вит "С" хлеб пшеничный хлеб ржаной Ужин: Картофельная запеканка  хлеб пшеничный молоко

March 5 among grades 1-11 were held class hours "Mother - the light of life", "Everything begins with you", "You gave me the light of the world!"...

Category: Class hours
Date: 2021-03-09 14:06:24
March 5 among grades 1-11 were held class hours
March 8 - International Women's Day. This holiday is especially important in school life. March 5 among grades 1-11 were held class hours "Mother - the light of life", "Everything begins with you", "You gave me the light of the world!" The purpose of conducting class hours: to get acquainted with the history of the holiday of March 8, to continue the work on the...

Ас мәзірі

Category: food
Date: 2021-03-09 14:05:03
меню на 09.03.2021г Завтрак: Каша ячневая молочная хлеб с маслом како с молоком 10.00ч Яблоко Обед: Салат морковный салат с р/м 1. Суп вермишелевый на курин/б 2. Жаркое с курицей 3. Кисель плодово-ягодный вит "С" хлеб пшеничный хлеб ржаной Ужин: Вареники с творогом хлеб пшеничный чай с молоком

A city remote competition of congratulatory newspapers "Oh, woman, you are a symbol of beauty!"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-09 14:03:10
A city remote competition of congratulatory newspapers
From 3 to 5 March 2021, a city remote competition of congratulatory newspapers "Oh, woman, you are a symbol of beauty!" Was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The aim of the competition was to form the consciousness of the mother's place in the family, respect for mothers, women, love for their country, land, expanding children's ideas about spring, about the holiday on Marc...

In honor of the holiday on March 8, a wall newspaper competition was held among students in grades 5-11 in offline and online formats...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-09 14:00:04
In honor of the holiday on March 8, a wall newspaper competition was held among students in grades 5-11 in offline and online formats...
From March 3 to March 5, in honor of the holiday on March 8, a wall newspaper competition was held among students in grades 5-11 in offline and online formats. Purpose: to congratulate mothers, teachers and classmates on the holiday of spring through wonderful wishes and poems about mother. Results of the wall newspaper competition: I place - 7 "Ә" Kasimdzhanova Sabina; II place...

A competition of arts and crafts was held among students of grades 1-4 "Uzhe, Ana, barlygy da sizder ushin!"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-09 13:55:31
A competition of arts and crafts was held among students of grades 1-4
In honor of the International Women's Day on March 8, in the period from March 2 to March 5, a competition of arts and crafts was held among students of grades 1-4 "Uzhe, Ana, barlygy da sizder ushin!" During the competition, with the support of parents, with great enthusiasm and interest, children created various crafts for their mothers and grandmothers, using different materials...

A consultation was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic "How to increase a child's love for reading?"

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-03-09 13:42:25
A consultation was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic
On March 4, through the ZOOM platform, a consultation was held with parents of grades 1-4 on the topic "How to increase a child's love for reading?" Purpose: to provide parents with psychological support, provide information, give advice on increasing the child's motivation for learning. The event was organized within the framework of the week of reading literacy "XXI cent...

Бірінші сынып оқушыларының құжаттарын қабылдау 1 сәуірде басталады

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-03-09 11:23:20
Бірінші сынып оқушыларының құжаттарын қабылдау 1 сәуірде басталады
Бірінші сынып оқушыларының құжаттарын қабылдау 1 сәуірде басталады   Бірінші сынып оқушыларының құжаттарын қабылдау 1 сәуірде басталып, 1 тамызға дейін жалғасады. Бұл – білім беру процесіне қатысушыларға ыңғайлы болу үшін қабылданған шешім.  

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