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Ас мәзірі

Category: food
Date: 2021-03-25 14:11:41
меню на 25.03.2021г Завтрак: Каша манная молочная хлеб с маслом  какао с молоком 10.00ч Яблоки Обед: Салат морковный 1. Суп гороховый 2. Запеканка картофельная с мясом 3. Кисель фруктовый вит "С" хлеб пшеничный хлеб ржаной Ужин: Вареники с творогом хлеб пшеничный чай п/ сладкий

On March 15, within the framework of the 110th anniversary of Kasym Amanzholov, senior mentor Altynbek A.D. and geography teacher M. M. Karakpaeva took part in the regional competition "Tugan keler ali talai Kasym".

Category: Regional world of poetry" Zhyr Zhalyn", social and pedagogical project
Date: 2021-03-25 12:03:39
On March 15, within the framework of the 110th anniversary of Kasym Amanzholov, senior mentor Altynbek A.D. and geography teacher M. M. Karakpaeva took part in the regional competition "Tugan keler ali talai Kasym".

On March 18, an hour of classroom teachers was held with the class teachers of grades 1-11, dedicated to the safety and rational use of leisure time during spring break. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"we were introduced to the plan for organiz

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2021-03-25 11:08:34
On March 18, an hour of classroom teachers was held with the class teachers of grades 1-11, dedicated to the safety and rational use of leisure time during spring break. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"we were introduced to the plan for organizing recreation, leisure and employment of children during the spring break.

On March 18, an hour of classroom teachers was held with the class teachers of grades 1-11, dedicated to the safety and rational use of leisure time during spring break. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"we were introduced to the plan for organiz

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2021-03-25 10:44:47
On March 18, an hour of classroom teachers was held with the class teachers of grades 1-11, dedicated to the safety and rational use of leisure time during spring break. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"we were introduced to the plan for organizing recreation, leisure and employment of children during the spring break.

Alibay Madina, a student of the 10th grade, for the best performance in the city contest of artistic words “Dariga-zhurek”

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-03-25 10:15:17
Alibay Madina, a student of the 10th grade, for the best performance in the city contest of artistic words “Dariga-zhurek”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of muzbalak poet Mukagali Makatayev  The main prize was won. Head: Sharbekova G. K. Congratulations 

Kurmash Aruzhan Nurlanovna was awarded for taking the first place in the genre of" Korkem Soz", participating in the international competition of online art of Abay Kunanbayev's work among children and youth" Abay murasy"! Congratulations

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-03-25 10:07:49
Kurmash Aruzhan Nurlanovna was awarded for taking the first place in the genre of" Korkem Soz", participating in the international competition of online art of Abay Kunanbayev's work among children and youth" Abay murasy"! Congratulations

Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-03-25 09:49:33
Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки.
Казахские народные игры имеют давнюю историю, они дошли до наших дней из глубокой старины, передаваясь из поколения в поколение. Одна из таких спортивных игр – асыки. 19 марта 2021 года в КГУ ОШ № 4 проведено мероприятие под руководством библиотекаря школы Белельбаевой З. К. и старшей вожатой Аманжоловой М.Б. учащиеся подроьно познакомились с спортивной игрой -асыки. Узнали историю проис...
Author: School №4

В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2021-03-25 09:46:17
В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества.
В Казахстане каждый знает национальную игру в асыки. Она признана ЮНЕСКО частью культурного наследия человечества. Игра в асыки – это не просто развлечение, игра или вид спорта. Это наше достояние и культурное наследие. Играя в них, мы сохраняем память о предках и не отдаляемся от своих корней.  
Author: School №4

March 24 "Nature Day" on this day, events are held to study the diversity of plants and methods of reproduction of ornamental plants( biodiversity), the structure of energy consumption at home and ways to reduce it (energy conservation); the possibility o

Category: Біртұтас тәрбие бағдарламасы
Date: 2021-03-25 09:43:25
March 24 "Nature Day" on this day, events are held to study the diversity of plants and methods of reproduction of ornamental plants( biodiversity), the structure of energy consumption at home and ways to reduce it (energy conservation); the possibility of economical use of water at home (water conservation); sources of waste generation, the definition of ways to reduce them, the in...

On the ritual day of March 23, children make gifts from their own hands,souvenirs and crafts from their own hands, give gifts to parents, friends and relatives,give gifts to grandchildren and great-grandchildren of grandparents. Parents give their childre

Category: Біртұтас тәрбие бағдарламасы
Date: 2021-03-25 09:39:02
On the ritual day of March 23, children make gifts from their own hands,souvenirs and crafts from their own hands, give gifts to parents, friends and relatives,give gifts to grandchildren and great-grandchildren of grandparents. Parents give their children a ticket.

March 21 – "National Cuisine Day" an event was held to increase the value of family traditions; respect for heritage and traditions, maternal qualities, love, loyalty, friendship

Category: Біртұтас тәрбие бағдарламасы
Date: 2021-03-25 09:34:32
March 21 – "National Cuisine Day" an event was held to increase the value of family traditions; respect for heritage and traditions, maternal qualities, love, loyalty, friendship

March 20 is the day of wisdom and knowledge. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"during the spring break, within the framework of the Day of Wisdom and Knowledge-March 20, in order to develop the intellectual potential and intelligence of children,

Category: Біртұтас тәрбие бағдарламасы
Date: 2021-03-25 08:32:55
March 20 is the day of wisdom and knowledge. "Children of Kazakhstan-spring is calling!"during the spring break, within the framework of the Day of Wisdom and Knowledge-March 20, in order to develop the intellectual potential and intelligence of children, events are held to tell proverbs, sayings, riddles, and misconceptions.

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