March 27 - "Cinema Day"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-29 09:05:22
March 27 -
The action "Children of Kazakhstan-Spring is calling!" was held in KSU "School-Lyceum No. 2 named after Abai"."as part of the Plan of events dedicated to the spring break period, the 6th grade teacher Seifulla A. A. organized a video contest "Kazakh historical heroes".
Author: Lyceum №2

Уважаемые родители! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в онлайн - встрече "Час руководителя"

Category: Director's blog
Date: 2021-03-28 15:05:41
Уважаемые родители! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в онлайн - встрече
Уважаемые родители! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в онлайн - встрече "Час руководителя" Дата проведения: 29 марта 2021 года в 17:00  Место проведения: социальная сеть Instagram @balkhash_school_10   Администрация школы ответит на интересующие Вас вопросы по организации обучения в 4 четверти 2020-2021 учебного года
Author: School №10

30 – летию Независимости – посвящается!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-03-27 21:12:54
30 – летию Независимости – посвящается!
26 марта во Дворце школьников состоялся городской дебатный турнир, посвященный 30-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан. Участие в игре приняли ученики 11 класса  нашей школы. Чурикова Арина и Федоров Кирилл  уже не первый год участвуют в дебатах. Но этот турнир проходил по новому формату,  несмотря на это ребята прекрасно справились  с задачей. По итогам турнира команда О...
Author: School №10

Diploma 3rd place

Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-03-27 18:18:29
Diploma 3rd place
Saulebek Erkezhan took 3rd place in the city competition of correspondence reading "Kemenger Ball". Educator: Ospanbaeva B.M.

Diploma 2nd place

Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-03-27 18:15:40
Diploma 2nd place
Amangeldy Akniet took 2nd place in the city competition of correspondence reading "Kemenger Bala". Educator: Rakhimova A.T.

Информационный стенд "Адал Ұрпақ - Саналы Ұрпақ", "Парасатты Азамат"

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-03-27 11:54:05
Информационный стенд
Информационный стенд "Адал Ұрпақ - Саналы Ұрпақ", "Парасатты Азамат"
Author: School №17

Положение о добровольном школьном клубе Адал Ұрпақ

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-03-27 11:50:25
Положение о добровольном школьном клубе Адал Ұрпақ
Положение о добровольном школьном клубе Адал Ұрпақ
Author: School №17

План работы добровольного клуба Адал Ұрпақ 2020-2021 учебный год

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-03-27 11:48:24
План работы добровольного клуба Адал Ұрпақ 2020-2021 учебный год
План работы добровольного клуба Адал Ұрпақ 2020-2021 учебный год
Author: School №17

Приказ об открытии клуба Адал ұрпақ

Category: Противодействие коррупции
Date: 2021-03-27 11:46:58
Приказ об открытии клуба Адал ұрпақ
Приказ об открытии клуба Адал ұрпақ
Author: School №17

Pupils of "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region on March 26, 2021 in accordance with the action plan dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kaz

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-03-27 08:57:22
Pupils of
Pupils of "School-lyceum №2 named after Abai" of the Department of Education of Balkhash town of the Department of Education of Karaganda region on March 26, 2021 in accordance with the action plan dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure Ibrai  The teacher watched videos about Y. Altynsarin and got acqu...
Author: Lyceum №2

Results of the distance Olympiad "Tarikh Ata" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2021-03-26 22:23:27
Results of the distance Olympiad
On March 17, the Republican Center "Daryn" held the XVI Republican Distance Olympiad "Tarikh Ata" among students of grades 5-9. Round I - remote, was conducted online at 5 students of 5-6 grades of our school took part in the Olympiad. According to the results of the distance tour, 4 students scored 45, 46 points out of 60 possible and took third places....

A video was watched, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin “Algashgy Ustaz - Ybyray Altynsarinnin 180 zhyldyk mereytoyna tartu” and a video about the outstanding educator Ybyray Altynsarin “Omir Zholy”...

Category: 180th anniversary of the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin
Date: 2021-03-26 22:20:57
A video was watched, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin “Algashgy Ustaz - Ybyray Altynsarinnin 180 zhyldyk mereytoyna tartu” and a video about the outstanding educator Ybyray Altynsarin “Omir Zholy”...
The 2021 calendar is rich in dates, anniversaries and events from the life of mankind. But there are special dates that you just don't want to pass by and names that are never destined to be forgotten. These include the name of the great Ybyray Altynsarin. In order to expand the horizons of students' knowledge about the culture of the Kazakh people, as well as expanding the idea of ​​the...

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