Based on the story of M. Auezov "Kokserek", a booktrailer was shown.

Category: Modern library
Date: 2021-03-18 10:30:41
Author: School №5

"The face of the earth rang, the face of the country lit up..." K. Makhashova organized a book exhibition

Category: Modern library
Date: 2021-03-18 10:29:14
"The face of the earth rang, the face of the country lit up..." In the school library of the municipal state institution "Secondary school No. 5" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, a round table was held on the topic: "zher zhuz zhangyru, eldin zhuldyn zhadyp..." Makhashova K. Sh.organized...
Author: School №5

istance learning is an important challenge for children and parents

Category: My inner world (advices of psychologist)
Date: 2021-03-17 15:44:40
 Distance learning is an important challenge for children and parents, a rigorous test of children's level of independence and responsibility, the ability to organize and manage their lives, reading and learning skills. Students who are currently studying online are encouraged to keep in mind the "Rules for Distance Learning."

Safety rules on thin ice

Category: Educational work
Date: 2021-03-17 15:21:40
Safety rules on thin ice
Author: School №10

17.03.2021 menu and cuisine

Category: Мектептегі тамақтандыру
Date: 2021-03-17 15:17:22
17.03.2021 menu and cuisine

В рамках областной акции «Бір отбасы-бір кітап», приуроченной к 30 летию Независимости РК, семья 4 «Б» класса общеобразовательной школы №4 Муратова Радмира, с интересом читали книгу Александра Грина «Алые паруса».

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2021-03-17 14:31:18
В рамках областной акции «Бір отбасы-бір кітап», приуроченной к 30 летию Независимости РК, семья 4 «Б» класса общеобразовательной школы №4 Муратова Радмира, с интересом читали  книгу Александра Грина «Алые паруса».
В рамках областной акции «Бір отбасы-бір кітап», приуроченной к 30 летию Независимости РК, семья 4 «Б» класса общеобразовательной школы №4 Муратова Радмира, с интересом читали  книгу Александра Грина «Алые паруса».
Author: School №4


Category: food
Date: 2021-03-17 14:28:37
меню на 18.03.2021г Завтрак: Каша рисовая молочная  хлеб с маслом чай с молоком 10.00ч Яблоки Обед: Салат морковный  1. Свекольник на к/б со сметаной 2. Тефтели с горошницей, соус томатный  3. Компот плодово- ягодный вит "С" хлеб пшеничный  хлеб ржаной Ужин: Запеканка из творога со сладким соусом хлеб пшеничный молоко  

Links to the educational electronic journal

Date: 2021-03-17 11:59:36
ПриложениявGoogle Play – Edu-Mark EduMark on the App Store   BilimalвInstagram Информационно-образовательный хаб  
Author: School №9

15.03.2021 at the Balkhash Technical College named after him.Rakhimzhana Koshkarbayeva Kobb "Halyk Kaharmany of the Republic of Kazakhstan"within the framework of career guidance work, sports competitions in volleyball were organized among students of 9 c

Category: Professional sample
Date: 2021-03-17 10:46:52
15.03.2021 at the Balkhash Technical College named after him.Rakhimzhana Koshkarbayeva Kobb "Halyk Kaharmany of the Republic of Kazakhstan"within the framework of career guidance work, sports competitions in volleyball were organized among students of 9 classes, students of our school took the prize III place.

16.03.2021 Grades 5-11 participated in the Unified Republican "Honesty Class" hour and received a lot of information.

Category: Honest generation organization
Date: 2021-03-17 10:39:29
16.03.2021 Grades 5-11 participated in the Unified Republican "Honesty Class" hour and received a lot of information.

Menu on 17.03.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-03-17 10:29:23
Menu on 17.03.2021
Author: School №9

Контрольное блюдо в рамках проверки школьной столовой и контроля качества готовых блюд за 17.03.2021 г.

Category: School food
Date: 2021-03-17 09:49:18
Контрольное блюдо в рамках проверки школьной столовой и контроля качества готовых блюд за 17.03.2021 г.
Контрольное блюдо в рамках проверки школьной столовой и контроля качества готовых блюд за 17.03.2021 г.

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