Class hours were held on the topic "Otbasy - Omir ayasy" in honor of the "International Day of the Family"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-15 12:51:40
Class hours were held on the topic
 On May 15, in grades 1-11, class hours were held on the topic "Otbasy - Omir ayasy" in honor of the "International Day of the Family". Purpose: to inform students about International Day of the Family. Education of patriotism, morality, spiritual purity. Teach to value family and parents.     Date: 15.05.2021, 11:04 Author: MSI "...

A computer presentation competition “My family is my wealth!”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-15 12:47:01
A computer presentation competition “My family is my wealth!”...
On May 15, on the occasion of Family Day, a computer presentation competition “My family is my wealth!” was held. According to the terms of the competition, it was necessary to prepare a presentation consisting of no more than 10 slides or a video on this topic. The competition was attended by students in grades 8-10. Letters of gratitude for active participation were awarded to: stu...

Family wall newspaper competition...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-15 12:44:02
Family wall newspaper competition...
On the occasion of Family Day on May 15, a competition of wall newspapers "Otbasy - altyn dingek" was organized in a distance format. The competition was attended by students in grades 5-7. According to the results of the competition: 1st place - Muslim Yernatuly, student of 5 "A" class; 1st place - Kasimdzhanova Sabina, student of the 7th grade; 2nd place - Zarina Rakh...

Приказ о школьной форме

Category: Board of guardians
Date: 2021-05-15 12:18:12
Приказ о школьной форме
Приказ о школьной форме     

In KSU"General education school No. 5 of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash" on 14.05.2021, a pedagogical council was held.

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2021-05-15 11:26:00
The agenda of the Pedagogical Council: 1. on the final certification of grades 9, 11 2. on the exemption of students from 3. On the procedure for assigning teachers the next qualification categories, the conditions for admission to early certification 4. About the requirements for school uniforms in the 2021-2022 academic year 5. about the work of the Summer School, camp 6. On teache...
Author: School №5

A competition of experts was held among students of grades 8-10...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-05-14 22:05:22
A competition of experts was held among students of grades 8-10...
On May 14, within the framework of the Decade of Methodological Association of Educators, a competition of experts was held among students of grades 8-10. Purpose: to increase students' thinking abilities, dexterity, motivation to learn; education of patriotic youth with deep knowledge and developed worldview. The competition was attended by Altyn T. from 8 "A" class, Rakhat D. fro...

A competition was held with pupils of the 7th grade "Leader of the XXI century"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-05-14 21:50:20
A competition was held with pupils of the 7th grade
On May 13, within the framework of the Decade of the Methodological Association "Educators", a competition was held with pupils of the 7th grade "Leader of the XXI century". Main goal: to teach to be educated and versatile. Increase interest in learning. Develop a desire to compete, to win competitions. Leadership awakening. The competition was held in 4 stages. During the co...

The competition "Algyrlar men tapkyrlar" was held among students of the 6th grade...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-05-14 21:47:22
The competition
On May 12, in accordance with the plan of the decade of the methodological association of teachers-educators, the competition "Algyrlar men tapkyrlar" was held among students of the 6th grade. The main goal: the development of students' literate speech in their native language, logical thinking, ingenuity. Development of worldview and creative abilities through cognitive tasks, que...

A parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-05-14 21:44:36
A parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11...
 On May 12, a parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11. The purpose of the meeting is vocational guidance of graduates, providing information on the conduct of state exams and UNT. During the meeting, Akgul Saburbaevna, a specialist from Balkhash Service College, spoke about the specialties of the educational institution, as well as opportunities for students. On...

Ата аналар

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-05-14 18:33:17
Ата аналар

2021-educator, teacher, writer, ethnographer, folklorist 180 years since the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin. A book exhibition was organized in the library for the 180th anniversary of the great enlightener "Dalanyn dara zvezda-Ibray Altynsarin". Students of t

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2021-05-14 17:55:38
2021-educator, teacher, writer, ethnographer, folklorist 180 years since the birth of Ibrai Altynsarin. A book exhibition was organized in the library for the 180th anniversary of the great enlightener "Dalanyn dara zvezda-Ibray Altynsarin". Students of the 9th grade conducted a review of the book exhibition, got acquainted with the books.

"Дарын" ҒПРО ұйымдастыруымен 5-6 сынып оқушылары арасында жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша қашықтықтан республикалық олимпиаданың 1-ші қалалық кезеңіне мектебіміздің оқушылары қатысып, жүлделі орындарға ие болды. Құттықтаймыз!

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-05-14 17:52:16
  "Дарын" ҒПРО ұйымдастыруымен 5-6 сынып оқушылары арасында жалпы білім беретін пәндер бойынша қашықтықтан республикалық   олимпиаданың 1-ші қалалық кезеңіне  мектебіміздің оқушылары қатысып, жүлделі орындарға ие болды. Құттықтаймыз!

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