Қасым Аманжоловтың туғанына 110 жыл толуына орай өткен Күніне жүз ойланып, мың толғанам.

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-09-30 11:21:33
«Балқаш қаласының орталықтандырылған кітапхана жүйесі» КММ ұйымдастыруымен Өршіл рухты дауылпаз ақын, ұлттық әдебиетіміздің жарқын жұлдызы Қасым Аманжоловтың туғанына 110 жыл толуына орай өткен «Күніне жүз ойланып, мың толғанам, Өзіммен бірге өлмесін өлеңім деп» онлайн байқауына мектебіміздің оқушылары қатысып, жүлделі орындарға ие болды.     Бас жүлде - Сағ...

As part of the methodological day "Sharing my experience", a computer science teacher held a fragment of an open lesson on the topic "Computer configuration" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-09-30 10:54:22
As part of the methodological day
On September 29, the education department of Balkhash organized a methodological day for teachers of informatics on the topic "Sharing my experience".Within the framework of the methodological day, the teacher of informatics Alieva Shynar Aybatyrovna held a fragment of an open lesson for 9th grade students on the topic "Computer configuration". Purpose: to systematize ideas a...

План работы столовой

Category: About school meals
Date: 2021-09-30 10:41:57
План работы столовой 

As part of the methodological day "Sharing my experience", a computer science teacher held a fragment of an open lesson on the topic "Computer configuration" ...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-09-29 17:18:25
As part of the methodological day
On September 29, the education department of Balkhash organized a methodological day for teachers of informatics on the topic "Sharing my experience".Within the framework of the methodological day, the teacher of informatics Alieva Shynar Aybatyrovna held a fragment of an open lesson for 9th grade students on the topic "Computer configuration". Purpose: to systematize ideas a...

Reading Hour...

Category: library
Date: 2021-09-29 17:14:08
Reading Hour...
On September 28, an hour of reading passed. Reading Hour is the time devoted to good literature and reading as an art. The time when people turn off their communications and enjoy reading. Students read Recommended Reading Works.   Date: 29.09.2021, 15:58 Author: MSI "Boarding school named after Mikhaiil Rusakov"

Reading Hour...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2021-09-29 17:07:22
Reading Hour...
 On September 28, an hour of reading passed. Reading Hour is the time devoted to good literature and reading as an art. The time when people turn off their communications and enjoy reading. Students read Recommended Reading Works.   Date: 29.09.2021, 15:58 Author: MSI "Boarding school named after Mikhaiil Rusakov"

First-graders of Kazakhstani schools again study the "Bukvar"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-09-29 17:01:43
First-graders of Kazakhstani schools again study the
Date: 29.09.2021, 15:52 Author: MSI "Boarding school named after Mikhaiil Rusakov"

Monitoring of food quality information checks

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-09-29 15:52:24
Monitoring of food quality information checks
On September 29, 2021, members of the commission for monitoring the quality of nutrition and parents of class 7 "B" Bolatbekova A., parent committees of class 11 Tyulbaeva A., Bazylbaeva A. conducted an inspection of the school cafeteria. During the inspection, it was found that all sanitary conditions were met. The distance between the seats of each student is observed. Meals of students receivin...
Author: School №9

Памятка для родителей Уважаемые родители!

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2021-09-29 15:12:32
Памятка для родителей  Уважаемые родители!
Помните, что посещение детского сада, школы, секции дополнительного образования и т.п. ребенком с симптомами острого респираторного вирусного заболевания, в том числе COVID-19, представляет большой риск в связи с возможностью быстрого распространения инфекции среди большого количества детей в организованном детском коллективе. В  целях предупреждения заноса коронавирусной инфекции в орган...
Author: School №10

Уважаемые родители!

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-09-29 14:55:25
Памятка для родителей   Уважаемые родители!   Помните, что посещение детского сада, школы, секции дополнительного образования и т.п. ребенком с симптомами острого респираторного вирусного заболевания, в том числе COVID-19, представляет большой риск в связи с возможностью быстрого распространения инфекции среди большого количества детей в организованном детском коллективе. В&n...
Author: School №24

Уважаемые родители!

Category: Тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру мәселелерi бойынша
Date: 2021-09-29 14:54:43
Памятка для родителей   Уважаемые родители!   Помните, что посещение детского сада, школы, секции дополнительного образования и т.п. ребенком с симптомами острого респираторного вирусного заболевания, в том числе COVID-19, представляет большой риск в связи с возможностью быстрого распространения инфекции среди большого количества детей в организованном детском коллективе. В&n...
Author: School №24

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