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«Мәңгілік ел»

Date: 2021-10-25 15:27:51
Еліміздің әлемдік өркениетпен теңесіп, білім мен білік, тәжіриебе, мәдениет, идеология, руханият тұрғысынан жан-жақтан кемелденіп, озық ойлы, үздік тәжірбиелі «Мәңгілік ел» идеясының өрнекті ізімен алға ілгерілеген табысты ел болуы айшықталған. Білім мен тәрбиесі ғажайып түрде үндескен, ұлттық идеологиясы темірқазығына айналған айналған табысты ел болуымыз үшін жақсылыққа ұмтылып,...
Author: School №8

Menu on 25.10.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-10-25 14:38:34
Menu on 25.10.2021
Author: School №9

Құрметті ата-аналар!

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2021-10-25 14:36:50
27.11.2020.ж. Білім Басқармасы мен Қарағанды облысының ТЖ Департаментімен келісіліп бекітілген және Қарағанды облысының білім беру ұйымдарында қыс мезгілінде оқушылардың қауіпсіздігі  мен денсаулығын сақтау мақсатында келесі қолайсыз ауа-райы метеожағдайлары туындаған кезде сабақ тоқтатылады: 0-4 сыныптарда:     -Секундына 2 метр және одан да жоғары жылдамдықпен соққан же...

Академия гражданской защиты имени Малика Габдуллина МЧС Республики Казахстан

Category: Профориентация
Date: 2021-10-25 14:28:16
Академия гражданской защиты имени Малика Габдуллина МЧС Республики Казахстан

контрольное блюдо за 25.10.2021

Category: School food
Date: 2021-10-25 14:27:03
контрольное блюдо за 25.10.2021
контрольное блюдо за 25.10.2021
Author: School №4

Information of the class hour on the topic "Bala kukygy - asyl kazyna" in secondary school No. 9

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-10-25 12:41:56
Information of the class hour on the topic
Within the framework of the republican month "Bala kukygy - adam kukygy" on 25.10.21, the school held class hours in grades 1-11 on the theme "Bala kukygy - asyl kazyna". The purpose of the educational hour: the formation of the ability to respect human rights, readiness to exercise their rights and responsibilities. Mastering the concepts of human rights, the rights of the child, the right...
Author: School №9

Коллеги, поздравляем с ростом в любимой профессии, с приобретением нового, ценного опыта и стажа! Желаем интересных задач, перспективных проектов, новых успехов, карьерных взлетов, повышения зарплаты и всяческих благ!

Category: The Union school
Date: 2021-10-25 11:56:03
Коллеги, поздравляем с ростом в любимой профессии, с приобретением нового, ценного опыта и стажа! Желаем интересных задач, перспективных проектов, новых успехов, карьерных взлетов, повышения зарплаты и всяческих благ!
Коллеги, поздравляем с ростом в любимой профессии, с приобретением нового, ценного опыта и стажа! Желаем интересных задач, перспективных проектов, новых успехов, карьерных взлетов, повышения зарплаты и всяческих благ!   Сакенова К.Д-учитель английского языка5 лет профессионального стажа Удовиченко И.А- учитель физической культуры 10 лет профессионального стажа...
Author: School №4

The Golden Autumn was held in the Inzhu mini-center

Category: Mini center "Inzhu"
Date: 2021-10-25 09:50:06
The Golden Autumn was held in the Inzhu mini-center
The Golden Autumn festival was held in the Inzhu mini-center. At the festival, the children told poems, sang songs, and danced. A handmade exhibition was organized, which was created by educators together with parents.
Author: School №9

A meeting was organized and held among students of grades 2-6 in order to prevent offenses, improve their rights and replenish legal knowledge.

Category: Socially-pedagogical service
Date: 2021-10-25 09:39:03
A meeting was organized and held among students of grades 2-6 in order to prevent offenses, improve their rights and replenish legal knowledge.
Senior police lieutenant, Inspector of Juvenile Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Balkhash Nurbek Ayan Altayevich and Abenov Bakhtiyar Abilovich were invited to the meeting. Ayan Altaevich, speaking about the prevention of antisocial actions that harm society and are punished by law among teenagers, which have become an urgent problem today, noted that the number of...
Author: School №5

Steppe Star

Category: Modern library
Date: 2021-10-25 09:23:57
Steppe Star
In the school library, the head of the school library K. Makhashova introduced students to the book exhibition on the theme "Dala zhuldyz", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin.From the stories of the field star, a booktrailer and a booklet were shown. The purpose of the event: to give students an idea of the great Kazakh scientist, educator Ibrai Altynsarin, his work...
Author: School №5

Book exhibition "unity and harmony" was organized

Category: Modern library
Date: 2021-10-25 09:14:59
Book exhibition
The purpose is to give an idea of tolerance in interreligious relations in Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan module of interethnic and interreligious harmony, the policy of establishing peace.   Spiritual harmony is the common values inherent in our nation, such as respect for elders, respect for family, caring for children, hospitality, peace, friendship, cohesion. The peace and unity of our...
Author: School №5

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