мен мамандықты таңдаймын!

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2021-11-17 14:49:45
Author: School №24

менің болашақ мамандығым

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2021-11-17 14:48:32
Author: School №24

Relay races with basketball elements were held

Category: "Young Specialist School" and "School of Excellence"
Date: 2021-11-17 14:46:52
Relay races with basketball elements were held
On October 21, within the framework of an intraschool subject week dedicated to the identification and development of gifted children, according to the plan of the mentoring work of the school of a young specialist, a teacher of physical culture, a young specialist Isabai A. Zh., Relay races with elements of basketball were held. Purpose: to develop students' coordination of movements, dexte...

«Айбынды әскер-ел қорған!»

Category: Воспитательная работа
Date: 2021-11-17 14:30:48
«Айбынды әскер-ел қорған!»
«Көп балалы және аз қамтамасыз етілген отбасылардың балаларына арналған мектеп-интернаты» КММ -де 21.11.21ж. 8 «А»және «9А» сыныптар арасында «Айбынды әскер-ел қорған!» атты ерлік сабағына «53898 Әскери бөлімі»-нің қызметкерлері: 3-сыныпты сержант Жагукоров Аскар Бауыржанович 3-сыныпты сержант Алимкулова Айнұр Калибекова 3-сыныпты се...

Psychological counseling “Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling "...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-17 14:12:20
Psychological counseling “Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling
On October 30, within the framework of the pedagogical council "Modern lesson - the basis of effective and high-quality education", school psychologist G.K. Kasimova spoke on the topic "Prevention of factors influencing the formation of self-destructive behavior. Buling". Purpose: formation of teachers' knowledge about the problem of aggressiveness in adolescents, to dete...

Analysis of the psychological readiness of pupils of the 1st grade of the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for school in the 2021-2022 academic year

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-17 13:36:16
Analysis of the psychological readiness of pupils of the 1st grade of the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov for school in the 2021-2022 academic year
On November 1, a pedagogical council was held at the school with the participation of subject teachers, a psychologist and the school administration on the adaptation of students in grades 1 and 5. Purpose: to create in the student collective a pedagogical environment that ensures the adaptation of students during the transition from primary to secondary school; adaptation of first graders to sc...

Menu on 17.11.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-11-17 13:32:13
Menu on 17.11.2021
Author: School №9

Results of the city competition "Teacher of the Year"

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-11-17 10:58:23
Results of the city competition
In accordance with the plan of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, in October 2021, the city stage of the "Teacher of the Year" competition was held in order to improve the status of the teaching profession and stimulate professionalism. The teacher of informatics of our school Sh. A. Alieva, according to the terms of the...

Pedagogical council on the topic "A modern lesson is the basis of effective and high-quality education."

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-11-17 10:56:14
Pedagogical council on the topic
On October 30, a regular pedagogical council took place on the topic "A modern lesson is the basis of effective and high-quality education."  On the agenda:  1. "A modern lesson is the basis of effective and quality education." N. S. Rakhimberlina  2. The system for assessing student progress. G. T. Sopykhanova  3. Digital technologies in the imple...

On October 27, the second stage of the city competition "Teacher of the Year" started

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2021-11-17 10:52:38
On October 27, the second stage of the city competition
On October 27, the second stage of the city competition "Teacher of the Year" started. At this stage, teacher Sh. A. Aliyeva conducted a class hour within the framework of the theme “Independence is a dream come true. Kazakhstani way ". The lesson was structured in accordance with the updated educational content using various strategies and technologies.

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