Extracurricular event "we take care of nature"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2022-01-26 15:06:07
Extracurricular event
Extracurricular event "we take care of nature"     On January 25, 2022, according to the weekly plan, the class teacher of the 6th grade Erkinova Zh.E. held an extracurricular event with students of the 6th grade in an online format on the topic "we take care of nature". Purpose: to create motivation, the idea of the need to preserve, protect nature. To cul...
Author: Lyceum №2

Профориентационная работа

Category: Профориентация
Date: 2022-01-26 12:32:09
22 января  2022 года через платформу ZOOM состоялось профориентационное родительское собрание  «Выбор профессии-выбор будущего!» В ходе собрания обсуждались вопросы профориентации 9 классов.Данное собрание было весьма актуальным, так как 50% учащихся по проведенным диагностикам сомневаются в выборе своей специальности. О важности правильного выбора специальности  о...
Author: School №4

Gym opening hours

Category: Работа с родителями
Date: 2022-01-26 12:17:24
График работы спортивного зала Область/город/район/село___Балхаш______________ №__25___   школы Кол-во учащихся ______375______ Кол-во учителей  (ФИО) 1. __Сатиев.Қ_________                                   ...
Author: School №25

The schedule of the sports hall

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2022-01-26 11:14:12
Author: School №24

График работы спортивного зала

Category: The schedule of the sports hall
Date: 2022-01-26 11:00:59
Author: School №17

Спорт залын пайдалану

Category: Working circles
Date: 2022-01-26 10:53:18
Author: School №8

Gym opening hours

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2022-01-26 10:09:54
  Апта күні Ауысым  Уақыты Оқу процесі Мұғалім Секция, спорт түрі Мұғалім Шұғылданушылар саны Дүйсенбі 1 ауысым 09.00-09.45 8Ә Рымкулова Б.А...
Author: School №9

Schedule of sports sections

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2022-01-26 09:01:17
Schedule of sports sections
Author: School №4

Weeks of mathematical literacy and weeks of methodical unification of elementary grades...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2022-01-25 23:49:54
Weeks of mathematical literacy and weeks of methodical unification of elementary grades...
On January 25, as part of the Week of Mathematical Literacy and the week of methodical unification of elementary grades in grades 1 and 2, open lessons were held on the topic “I am friends with mathematics”. The purpose of the week: the correct application of knowledge in the conditions of the updated content of education, increasing the functional literacy of students. In the 5th...

Weeks of mathematical literacy and weeks of methodical unification of elementary grades...

Category: Socio-pedagogical project "ZEYIN"
Date: 2022-01-25 23:47:03
Weeks of mathematical literacy and weeks of methodical unification of elementary grades...
On January 25, as part of the Week of Mathematical Literacy and the week of methodical unification of elementary grades in grades 1 and 2, open lessons were held on the topic “I am friends with mathematics”. The purpose of the week: the correct application of knowledge in the conditions of the updated content of education, increasing the functional literacy of students. In the 5th...

At school for grades 9 and 11, a school psychologist conducted career guidance work ...

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2022-01-25 23:34:42
At school for grades 9 and 11, a school psychologist conducted career guidance work ...
At school for grades 9a, 9ә and 11, a school psychologist conducts career guidance work. On December 16-24, among grades 9 and 11, psychological trainings and a survey "Profession - the beginning of life" were held Goal: Formation of responsibility in choosing a profession. Revealing the perseverance of the student's professional orientation, increasing psychological readiness...

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