Конкурс эссе "Хрустальный родник нравствености и духовности"

Category: Pilot project "SELF-KNOWLEDGE"
Date: 2022-02-03 09:47:16
Конкурс эссе
2 февраля 2022 года в рамках декады "Самопознание: педагогика Любви и творчества", учителем самопознания Рожко О.А, среди учащихся 10-х классов  был проведен конкурс эссе на тему : "Хрустальный родник нравственности и духовности".
Author: School №4

"My choice is my future!"

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2022-02-03 09:13:15
Students of grades 7-11 of our school took part in the city competition "My choice is my future!" on 28.01.2022. in order to provide career guidance when choosing a profession, an online meeting was held with employees of the M. Gabdullin Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan through ZOOM. During the meeting, they were familia...
Author: School №9

My choice is my future!

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2022-02-03 09:05:47
My choice is my future!
Urban "my choice is my future! On 28.01.2022, in order to provide vocational guidance to students of grades 8-11 of our school in choosing a profession, an online meeting was held with employees of the M. Gabdullin Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan through ZOOM. During the meeting, they were familiarized with the conditions and...
Author: School №5

Old wives' tales on the theme "love is the basis of life"

Category: Mini center "Inzhu"
Date: 2022-02-03 08:28:25
Old wives' tales on the theme
The mini-center "Inzhu" within the framework of the decade "self–knowledge - the pedagogy of love and creativity" told schoolchildren old wives' tales on the theme "love is the basis of life".  Through the grandmother's fairy tale, the upbringing of children in friendship, in kindness and love, in love for the world around them, in the ability to...
Author: School №9

Контрольное блюдо за 03.02.2022

Category: School food
Date: 2022-02-03 08:13:06
Контрольное блюдо за 03.02.2022
Контрольное блюдо за 03.02.2022
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении информационного блока «Ты осанку береги!» для учащихся 1-11 классов КГУ «ОШ №4» города Балхаш в рамках недели «Здоровье в порядке - спасибо зарядке!»

Category: Methodical center
Date: 2022-02-03 07:31:23
Информация о проведении информационного блока «Ты осанку береги!» для учащихся 1-11 классов КГУ «ОШ №4» города Балхаш в рамках недели «Здоровье в порядке - спасибо зарядке!»    С целью содействия всестороннему развитию личности и укрепления здоровья школьников в КГУ «ОШ №4» города Балхаш в рамках недели «Здоровье в по...

1 февраля состоялось торжественное открытие декады «Самопознание: педагогика Любви и Творчества»

Category: Pilot project "SELF-KNOWLEDGE"
Date: 2022-02-03 07:27:51
«Самопознание» - это уникальный предмет, обладающий бесценными духовными сокровищами, приобщение к которым делают каждого человека духовным и нравственным, счастливым и радостным, добрым и мудрым. Руководитель МО Самопознания познакомила с планом проведения декады, цель которой учить детей творить добро, проявлять чуткость и милосердие, дарить людям любовь и радость. Учителями Ку...

Mobile Security Presentation Contest:

Category: Цифрлық әлем
Date: 2022-02-03 00:30:35
Mobile Security Presentation Contest:
01.02.2022 in accordance with the plan of the week of development of information literacy "digital world", held on the initiative of the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region, a presentation contest "Mobile security" was held among 6 classes: According to the results of the competition I place: 6th grade student-T...

Video recording on the topic "Densaulyk Aktau technologiyasy", monitoring indicators shared their experience at the city level as part of the form of control.

Category: Цифрлық әлем
Date: 2022-02-03 00:22:29
Video recording on the topic
31.01.2022 primary school teacher of KSU" Lyceum School No. 15 named after Alikhan Bokeikhanov "Z. Khametkyzy shared her experience of working at the city level within the framework of the Zerek project on the topic "Health-saving technologies", monitoring indicators, forms of control. Goal: Identification of problematic areas of health indicators Development of thinkin...

The contest "my digital world"was organized by risunkov

Category: Цифрлық әлем
Date: 2022-02-03 00:16:59
The contest
01.02.2022 in accordance with the plan of the Digital World Information literacy week, a drawing contest "My Digital World" was organized in the Padlet application from the 3rd grade. Purpose: formation of cognitive interest in information culture, development of skills of effective use of information technologies in everyday life. As a result: 1st place: Serikbai Zhansaya 3 &q...

Webinar "digital world – digital skills"was held

Category: Цифрлық әлем
Date: 2022-02-03 00:01:55
1.02.2022 in accordance with the plan of the week of development of information literacy "digital world", a webinar for teachers and students "digital world-digital skills" with a master of Mechanical and mathematical sciences, coach of the NCPC"Orleu " Baykons Anuar was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. During the informative and productive webina...

In accordance with the plan of the week of information literacy development "Tsifrlyk Alem", class hours were held from grades 3 to 11:

Category: Цифрлық әлем
Date: 2022-02-02 23:32:51
In accordance with the plan of the week of information literacy development
31.01.2022 in accordance with the plan of the week of development of information literacy "digital world", held on the initiative of the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region, from grades 3 to 11, class hours were held: Classroom hours for grades 3-4 "how to protect yourself in the digital world? there is; Classroom hour...

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