Flyer contest "Rights and duties of a child"

Date: 2022-02-18 14:44:42

Both the future and the prosperity of our Motherland are today's generation. We will not be mistaken if we say that it is the duty and duty of the previous wave, so that this generation is educated and well-mannered. Tomorrow, the strong position of the state is the younger generation. Undoubtedly, caring for the younger generation is a deep moral value that recognizes the priority of childhood. From the very first steps, our Motherland pays special attention to the world Convention on the Rights of the Child and works within its requirements.

In 1979, during the International Children's Gathering, a group was created to prepare the "international convention on the rights of the child". On November 20, 1989, the Convention was unanimously adopted by the UN.

The Convention is an important document consisting of several articles on the protection of the rights of children of the world and on their upbringing. It states: "The participating States shall ensure the necessary standard of living for every child and recognize his right."

By the World Children's Day, a flyer contest "rights and duties of a child" was organized among grades 5-7.

The purpose of the competition is to introduce students to the concepts of human rights, child rights, rights and obligations of the student, to teach not to violate other people's rights, to educate morality, morality, legal literacy.


Author: School №25