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Reference on state services rendering by SE "The department of education, physical training and sport in Balkhash town"

Date: 2014-10-31 09:32:31


Today 18 state services are rendered by the Department of education according to the Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government from September 18, 2013 №983 "About confirmation of the register of state services", with changes from May 27, 2014 according to the Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government №553 "About making of changes and additions in the resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government from September 18, 2013 №983 "About confirmation of the register of state services" and from August 3, 2013 №779 "About confirmation of Rules of managing the register of state services"", out of them 4 state services are rendered by the centre of servicing population (CSP), on the alternative basis through SE by the program “IIS CSP”, these are:

1. Turn registration of children of preschool age (till 7 years) for directing into children's preschool organizations;

2. Issue of references into the uniform accumulation pension fund and (or) the voluntary accumulation pension fund, banks, into law-enforcement bodies for property order of minors and for registration of inheritance to minors;

3.Giving of references by guardianship and trusteeship;

4.Giving of references of bodies, what realizes functions by guardianship or trusteeship for dealing with property, which are belonged on the right of property to minors.

14 state services are rendered by the department of education in Balkhash town:

1.Fixing of guardianship or trusteeship over a child-orphan (children-orphans) and a child (children), who have been left without parents’ guardianship;

2. Giving of pre-school education;

3. Giving of elementary, basic secondary and general secondary education;

4. Giving of individual free of charge teaching at home to children, what cannot visit organization of elementary, basic secondary, general secondary education by their health condition during long time;

5. Giving of additional education for children;

6. Giving of free charge of feeding to some categories of teaching pupils and at comprehensive schools;

7. Giving of rest to children from poor families out-of-town and pre-school camps;

8. Assignment of pension payment to guardians or trustees for keeping of a child-orphan (children-orphans) and a child (children), who have been left without parents’ guardianship;

9. Giving of permission and teaching in form of externship in organizations of basic secondary, general secondary education;

10. Passing of the child (children) on patronage education;

11. Assignment of payment of money for maintaining of the child (children) passed to patronage tutors;

12. Registration of people wishing to adopt children;

13. Giving of documents duplicates about basic secondary, general secondary education;

14. Awarding of sport grades and categories: the second and the third, the first, the second and the third juniors, couch of the best and middle level of qualification of the second category, instructor-sportsman of the best level of qualification of the second category, methodologist of the best and middle level of qualification of the second category, referee of sport.

Today, 6 regulations are developed and approved by the Resolution of Akimat of Karagandy region from April 11, 2014 №17/01. It is registered by Department of justice of Karagandy region on May 16, 2014 № 2638.


  • “Giving of references by guardianship and trusteeship”;
  • “Fixing of guardianship or trusteeship over a child-orphan (children-orphans) and a child (children), who have been left without parents’ guardianship”;
  • “Issue of references into the uniform accumulation pension fund and (or) the voluntary accumulation pension fund, banks, into law-enforcement bodies for property order of minors and for registration of inheritance to minors”;
    • “Giving of references of bodies, what realizes functions by guardianship or trusteeship for dealing with property, which are belonged on the right of property to minors”.
    • “Giving of free charge of feeding to some categories of teaching pupils and at comprehensive schools”;


According to the resolution of Akimat of Karagandy region from August 18, 2014 №43/05"About confirmation of regulations of state services rendering in the sphere of preschool and secondary education" 3 state services have regulations:


  • Giving of elementary, basic secondary and general secondary education;
  • Turn registration of children of preschool age (till 7 years) for directing into children's preschool organizations;
  • Giving of permission and teaching in form of externship in organizations of basic secondary, general secondary education;


According to the resolution of Akimat of Karagandy region from September 16, 2014 №48/06 5 regulations of state services are approved by Department of justice of Karagandy region on September 24, 2014 №2769 "About confirmation of regulations of state services in the sphere of preschool and secondary education":

  • "Accepting of documents and transfer of children in the preschool organizations of education";
  • "Accepting of documents and transfer in the organization of education, irrespective of departmental subordination, for training according to general education programs of primary, secondary, general secondary education";
  • "Accepting of documents for organization of individual free of charge teaching at home to children, what cannot visit organization of elementary, basic secondary, general secondary education by their health condition during long time ";
  • "Accepting of documents and transfer in the organization of additional education for children on granting additional education to them";
  • "Accepting of documents and giving of the directions for providing rest to children from low-income families in country and school camps".


By other 4 state services regulations are on development stage.

Today only 8162 state services were rendered by the department, 7467 – by means of government body, 695 state services – by means of CSP.

Information about order of receiving state services is published on the department official in the section state services; also information about state services was published in local mass media 3 times.

Author: Department