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Information on inclusive education in educational institutions of town

Дата: 2014-04-30 08:36:44


Plan of activities on introduction of inclusive education was developed by the department of education which realizes rights of children with disorders in development to receive equal education and ensures their full integration into the educational process in accordance with State program of educationdevelopment, for part of creating conditions for inclusion of children with the limited capabilities into the educational environment.

At the beginning of 2013-2014 school year 291 children with the limited capabilities in development were revealed according to the statistical data in the town, including:

  • from 0 to 3 years old – 34 people.,
  • from 3 to 6 years old – 53 people.,
  • from 7 to 10 years old – 97 people.,
  • from 11 to 15 years old – 76 people.,
  • from 16 to 18 years old 31 people.

These children are with disorder of musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech disturbance and mental retardation. The total number of children with LC is (291 persons), children of school age are 257.

  • 62 people study at regional special boarding school №4 for children with the limited capabilities in development;
  • 64 people study at town comprehensive secondary schools, including 32 study individually;
  • 31 persons are not subject to teaching.


31 children of school age are not subject to teaching:

  • children with CSIP – 8 persons;
  • mongolids – 5 persons;
  • childrenwith microcephaly– 4 persons;
  • children with intellectual disorders of various forms – 12 persons.


One of the conditions of inclusive education is network development of special educational institutions.

The regional special boarding school №4, which realizes teaching and education of children with the limited capabilities in development with the aim of correction of aberrations, socio-psychological rehabilitation and labor preparation for the subsequent integration into society, works in the town.


2010-11 school year children trained at comprehensive secondary schools – 0

2012-13 school year children trained at comprehensive secondary schools – 6 (school №1-2pupils, school №8 – 2 pupils, BS №2 – 1pupil, school №6-1pupil).


201 pupils study at schools, including 162 pupils from Balkhash, 39 pupils from other areas of Karaganda region at the present time. Children-invalids are 40, children who study at home-9.
The school works on problem of continuity of special primary and vocational education which solves through the model “School-boarding school-college”.
This model enables to realize multilevel successive educational programs.Treaties are concluded about joint activitywith Balkhash College of service and Professional technical college on organization of advanced professional preparation in the opening 10 formssince 2011-12 school year.


2011-2012 school year – boys learn trade of  builder, carpenter, plasterer-painter;girls learn trade of seamstress;

2012-2013 school year - boys learn trade of  builder, carpenter, plasterer-painter; girls  learn trade of assistant cook;

2013-2014 school year - boys learn trade of builder, carpenter, plasterer-painter; girls learn trade of assistant cook.


One of the important conditions for ensuring of access to education of children with the limited capabilities is system of e-learning.There are 4 sets of computer equipment with software, taking into account individual possibilities and needs for four pupils, who study at home at four schools (SS №1, 10, 15, 17) today. This equipment was allocated from Republican budget.

27 pupils have no computer software.


2011 – 3 computers (SS №1 – with disorder of the upper extremities, №10 - with emotional-volitional disorders, №15- with visual impairment)

2012 – 1 computer (SS №17- with disorder of musculoskeletal system)

2013 – 0 (applicationwas made 6 pcs – for children with disorder of  musculoskeletal system and 1 pcs with visual impairment)

2014 – 0


Twice applicationswere made to management of education for allocation of sets of computer equipment and computer software for children with the limited capabilities, who study at home. Applications are not satisfied today.

There are two correctional groups - speech therapy for children with the limited speech disturbance and group for children with mental retardation in PI "Er Tostik" since the 1st of September, 2010. Admission of children to these groups is realized on the basis of the conclusion of the regional psychological-medical-pedagogical Commission (PMPC).
All conditions were createdin the garden; the specialized rooms were equipped in accordance with requirements of new SOSE which are equipped with necessary modern equipment, audio-video-visual training aids and methodical literature for successful correctional work. The experienced specialists:pediatrician, speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist, physical instructor, teacher of Montessori methods in the groups. The individual and group remedial classes are took which contribute to significant compensation of defects with children. Theconsultation center with free services of speech therapist and speech pathologist was opened for parents.

16 children turned out, 10 children are for teaching in mass schools, 6 ones in a specialized boarding school during three years.

Speech therapy post for children with disorders in speech development of the primary character was openedon the basis of MSE “The comprehensive secondary school №4”, with the aim of preparing for school teaching, mastering of content of the State general educational standard and educational programs since September, 2012.50 children with disorders of oral speech which are revealed in forms of pre-school training were enrolled. Not only children from SS №4 but schools №1, 10, 15, 25, kindergartens and children who are not organized pre-school education study in speech therapy post.27 children turned out with positive speech results, it makes up 54%, and others continue training. 39 more children were enrolled to speech therapy post in the current school year. So, 62 children study in speech therapy post now.

Activityof logopedic work is realized in four directions: monitoring (diagnostic), correctional-developing, prevention, information-methodical. The work of speech therapy center is appraised positively by parental community.

Number of requests increase for enrolment, but unfortunately we have no opportunity to satisfy all people who need speech therapy services.

Acquisition of a specialized computer equipment (speech therapy training apparatus "Delfa-142", the talking photo album and Go Talk + 20) are necessary for more effective work of  speech therapy post which will enable to activate the compensatory mechanisms and achieve optimal correction of the disturbed speech functions of children today.
            Within the framework of inclusive education introduction, by order of EMCDE of Karaganda region №13 from 14.01.2014 on the basis of CSS №1 the work of trainee ground is organized which realizes teaching of students with LC within the framework of modules and programs in terms of inclusive education, it establishes a network character of interaction with seven schools: CSS№4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 17, 24 on education in the issues of inclusive education and its realization. Methodical office of the Department of education realizes coordination of networking internship sites.                                                                                                                      27 pupils who need correctional support within the framework of inclusive education were revealed within the framework of project in the course of collaboration with administration, form teachers and parents of CSS №1.

Among them:

children with disorders of musculoskeletal system are 4 people,

children with mental retardation(MR) - 9 persons,

children with speech abnormality – 11persons,

children with visual impairment – 1,

children with other diseases – 2 persons.



The 1st form – 6 persons.

The 2nd form – 6 persons.

The 3rd form – 6 persons.

The 4th form – 3 persons.

The 5th form – 1 person.

The 6th form - 2 persons.

The 7th form – 3 persons.


So, CSS №1 is base for consultation of teachers from all comprehensive secondary schools on work with children of LC, socio-psychological service in collaboration with qualified speech pathologists from school №4, kindergarten "Er Tostik" a plan of measures and schedule of trial consultations with children of LC was developed.

2 seminars-practical trainings were held for deputy Directors, form teachers working in forms with children of LC, psychologists, social teachers of schools in accordance with the plan for the 1st quarter. The issues were considered in the seminars:

  • Organizational and normative legal security for implementation of inclusive education.
  • Psycho-pedagogical support of inclusive education process.                                                    Practical lessons on development of diagnostic tools and determination of professional difficulties of teachers in work with children of LC, organization of assistance for children with LC in terms of inclusive practice were taken.
    According to the conducted medical checkup at town schools by the narrow specialists, 69 children with LC study today , among them with disorders:
  • vision – 11 persons.; (SS №1,5,6,7,10,16, boarding school №2,3)
  • musculoskeletal system – 17 persons (№1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17,gymnasium, boarding school №2,3);
  • hearing– 10 persons (№4, 10, 16, boarding school №2,3);
  • MR – 17 persons (№1, 3, 7, 8, 16, 24, 25, boarding school №2);
  • speech – 14 persons (№1, 3, 7, boarding school №2,3).

26 pupils with LC (0,5% of the total number of pupils 5393 persons) study in 8 secondary-specialized educational institutions of town.25 people study in the day time form of training, 1 person study at distance and externally (GSME”Balkhash humanitarian-technical college named after A.Musin”).We have already task for their further employment now.



  1. Bogdanova Valeriya, the 3rd  year, management;
  2. Zhumataev Nursultan, the 1st year, electrician;
  3. Li Evgeni, the 4th year, technical operation and maintenance;
  4. Kozlov Igor, the 4th year, technical operation and maintenance;
  5. Ilyasova Seitkasym, the 4th year, technical operation and maintenance.

Medical College:

  1. Usov Valeri, the 2nd year, medical business;
  2. Eleubaev Darkhan, the 2nd year, pharmacy.

College Bolashak:

  1. Tatibek Almaz, the 2nd year, tourism;
  2. Abitaeva Gulden, the 4th year, informational systems.

Multiprofile College:

  1. Kenbanin Argyn, the 2nd year, jurisprudence.

Technical College (PL №4);

  1. Zhaksybekov Meiram, the 3rd year, auto mechanic;
  2. Ramazan Ayan, the 2nd year, auto mechanic;
  3. Kabaev Galy, the 2nd year, master-builder;
  4. Antropov Andrei, the 2nd year, electrician;
  5. Kakharmanov Serikbol, the 3rd year, auto mechanic;
  6. Lutsup Dmitri, the 2nd year, ECM;
  7. Patlai Vadim, the 1st year, auto mechanic;
  8. Zhakupova Tolganai, the 1st year, master-builder;
  9. Vodolaza Nikolai, the 1st year, master-builder;
  10. Gapon Mariya, the 1st year, master-builder;
  11. Mukhamedkali Azamat, the 3rd year, gas welder.

College of Service (PL №2):

  1. Rakhimova Nurgul, the 2nd year, seamstress;
  2. Serebryakova Valentina, the 2nd year, seamstress;
  3. Oralbek Moldir, the 2nd year, seamstress;
  4. Barlybekova Almagul, the 2nd year, seamstress;
  5. Kaiyrbek Tozhan, the 1st year, confectioner;


An integral part of the continuous education, designed to provide child with additional opportunities for spiritual, moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical development, to satisfy his artistic, cultural, educational needs is an additional education. This category of children visits clubs and optional classes:

  • At comprehensive  secondary schools – 30people;
  • special boarding school№4 – 132 people;
  • Pupils` Palace – 37 people;
  • Schoolof arts – 12 people.


PP – drawing – 4 people, aircraft modelling – 12 people, DAA – 21 people;

SA – music – 2 people, art – 10 people.


27 people participated in contests of school subjects, 3 people participated in contests of town level.

All children with the limited capabilities in development are children with special needs.

One of the most important conditions for successful and productive work with them is providing of support them in the educational process by specialists of different profile: psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educator, medical workers.
There is already acute personnel issue in connection with it; schools need the qualified teachers-speech pathologists, speech therapists, special teachers.

For further development of system of inclusive education, introduction of positive experience for inclusion of children with the limited capabilities in educational process and formation of a tolerant attitude to them in society, educational institutions of town necessary to continue work:

  • increase of "barrier-free zones" for children-invalids by installing ramps, special devices in bathrooms, to equip with handrails, special desks, tables and other special compensatory tools, as there are ramps only in 10 educational institutions today;
  • increase number of sets of computer equipment for children-invalids who study at home;
  • creation of conditions for equal access to training and education of children with the limited capabilities by introducing into the staff list of comprehensive secondary schools teachers speech pathologists, speech therapists;
  • retraining of teachers through part-time courses, training at higher educational establishments "Defectology", "Speech therapy" by profession ;
  • to equip speech therapy post with the specialized computer equipment.