Class hour "My first President"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 15:12:41
On November 27, 2021, a class hour "My first President" was held in grades 6 "B", 7 "B". Purpose: to give an idea of the way of life, the places where the First President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was born, studied, served; to educate, as the head of state, love for the Motherland, the people, to be a true citizen, a true patriot; to form a sense of lov...
Author: School №25

Class hour "Love is the main quality of a person, truth is his foundation, right action is his true life"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 15:07:45
On 25.11.2021, in grades 5 "A", 7 "A", 9 "B" of OSH No. 25 named after Ybyray Altynsarin, in honor of the Day of Universal Values, class hours "Love is the main quality of a person, truth is His foundation, right action is his true life" were held. Purpose: to convey to students that only selfless love can be meaningful; to explain that the basis of all...
Author: School №25

"Modern Kazakhstan. A class hour on the topic "Leadership lessons of Elbasy"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 15:00:40
On the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 25.11.2021 in the 8th "B" class of OSH No. 25 named after him.The presentation of the book "modern Kazakhstan. A class hour on the topic "Leadership lessons of Elbasy". The purpose of this event is to educate the younger generation of patriotism, respect for state symbols, and determine the meaning of the...
Author: School №25

Video film "The Spring of my childhood"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 14:56:47
On November 25, 2021, in honor of the First President's Day, a video film "The Spring of my Childhood" was shown in grades 5 "A", 6 "B", 7 "A", 8 "B". Purpose: to show the life path of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, merits in the development, achievements of independent Kazakhstan, to instill patriotic feelings to the younger generation, to c...
Author: School №25

Educational hour "Spiritual and moral values"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 14:49:52
Educational hour "Spiritual and moral values" Purpose: to explain to children the concept of nobility. Formation of students' ability to be guided by moral principles, to build relationships with others based on spiritual values
Author: School №25

Classroom hours in our school for the National Currency Day

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2022-02-16 14:44:54
The national currency is the tenge day. In 1997, by Decree of the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev, November 15 is the birthday of our own currency and the day of financiers. The national currency was proposed to be called tenge- academician of the International Academy of Engineers, famous scientist of Kazakhstan, laureate of the USSR State Prize, holder of the Order of "Kur...
Author: School №25

Drawing contest "The World of mathematics through the eyes of children"

Category: Әдістемелік көмек
Date: 2022-02-10 14:24:25
28.01.22 years in KSU OSH No. 25 named after.Ybyraya Altynsarina of the educational and Methodological Center for the development of Education of the Karaganda region and the Department of Education of Balkhash, in accordance with the intra-school plan of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", a drawing contest "The World of Mathematics through the eyes of chil...
Author: School №25

Business game "Scientists of Kazakhstan in the development of mathematics"

Category: Әдістемелік көмек
Date: 2022-02-10 14:15:40
On 28.01.22, in accordance with the intra-school plan of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", a business game "Scientists of Kazakhstan in the development of mathematics" was held among students of the 3rd "B" class at the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region and the OSH State University...
Author: School №25

Educational game "Thinkers and clever people"

Category: Әдістемелік көмек
Date: 2022-02-10 14:09:54
In accordance with the intra-school plan of the week of mathematical literacy "Mathematics around us", the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region held an educational game "thinkers and smart people" among students of the 2nd grades at the OSH State University No. 25 named after Ybyray Altynsarin. Students performed inter...
Author: School №25

A class hour in the form of a mathematical game "I am friends with mathematics"

Category: Әдістемелік көмек
Date: 2022-02-10 14:04:00
25.01.2022 in KSU OSH No. 25 named after.In accordance with the plan of the 2nd day of the intra-school event of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Mathematics around us", the educational and methodological center for the development of education of the Karaganda region among the 1st grade students held a class hour in the form of a mathematical game "I am friends with mathematics...
Author: School №25

Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы №25 ЖББ мектебінің спорттық секция жұмысының кестесі

Category: Работа с родителями
Date: 2022-02-08 15:34:32
Ыбырай Алтынсарин атындағы №25 ЖББ мектебінде өткізілетін спорттық секцияның жұмыс кестесі Жауапты мұғалімдер: Сатиев К.А                                   Аскаров А Ұялы телефон: +7 777 211 7555      ...
Author: School №25

"How do we fight corruption?" debate

Category: "Адал ұрпақ" клубының шеңберінде атқарылған іс шаралар
Date: 2022-02-04 10:37:19
On January 20, 2022, senior counselor Magden E. N. and the head of the debate club Maratuly Aslan held a master class with students of grades 8-9 "How do we fight corruption?" a debate was held. The main purpose of this event is: prevention of corruption in various segments of society, legal information based on anti-corruption legislation, instilling knowledge; creating conditions for...
Author: School №25

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