Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Jol - the path to the future", 11 november 2014

Minutes of the board of Trustees meeting No. 4

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2021-06-25 20:11:32
Author: School №6

Ұл балаларға арналған мектеп формасы

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-05-14 14:40:23
ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ Сорочка школьная для мальчиков   Общие положения Настоящее техническое описание распространяется на сорочки школьные для мальчиков, согласно ГОСТ 11518«Ткани сорочечные из химических нитей и смешанной пряжи. Общие технические условия». Изделия должны соответствовать требованиям настоящего технического описания, Приказа Министра образования и науки...
Author: School №6

Қыз балаларға арналған мектеп формасы

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2021-05-14 14:37:16
ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ Блузка школьнаядля девочек   Общие положения Настоящее техническое описание распространяется на блузку школьную для девочек, согласно ГОСТ 25294- 2003«Одежда верхняя платьево-блузочного ассортимента. Общие технические условия». Изделия должны соответствовать требованиям  настоящего технического описания, Приказа Министра образования и науки №...
Author: School №6

Karaganda University named after E. Buketov

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2021-02-02 09:33:19
On February 2, 11th grade students of our school met with teachers of Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov for professional guidance, the right choice of future professions of school graduates and in order to get acquainted with the types of specialties in the university, the peculiarities of the educational process, a meeting was held online in the format of the ZUM platform....
Author: School №6


Category: Мектептің педагог қызметкерлері
Date: 2021-01-25 11:47:53
«Саяқ кентінің №6 жалпы білім беретін мектебі»  КММ-нің мұғалімдері № Мұғалімдердің аты-жөні Қызметі, пәні         1. Жумашева М.Ж Директор, математика пәні мұғалімі 2.       ...
Author: School №6

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees №3

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2021-01-11 14:22:45
Author: School №6

Board of trustees

Category: Board of Trustees
Date: 2021-01-10 20:58:11
Author: School №6

Послание Главы государства Касым-Жомарта Токаева народу Казахстана

Category: Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2020-11-03 09:27:19
КАЗАХСТАН В НОВОЙ РЕАЛЬНОСТИ: ВРЕМЯ ДЕЙСТВИЙ   Уважаемые соотечественники! Уважаемые председатели палат Парламента, депутаты, члены Правительства! Работа очередной сессии Парламента начинается в непростое время. Наша страна продолжает противостоять пандемии, угрожающей всему глобальному сообществу. Мы мобилизовали все ресурсы на защиту жизни и здоровья казахстанцев. В критический...
Author: School №6

Abai Kunanbayev - 175 years old

Category: Тәрбие жұмысы
Date: 2020-11-01 21:55:31
On October 22-23, 2020, educational classes dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev were held for grades 1-11 of our school. The main purpose of the academic hour: 1. To acquaint students with the work of the great genius poet Abai Kunanbaev. To educate morality, hard work and honesty through the study of poetry and the poet's remarks. Increase your thirst for knowledge....
Author: School №6

Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people

Date: 2020-11-01 21:49:40
From October 28 to October 29, 2020, on the ZOOM platform, an educational hour was held on the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people for students in grades 1-11. The main goal of the educational hour: to teach students the importance of customs and traditions of the Kazakh people, their role in human relations, to educate a citizen who sympathizes with the nation. Collecting knowledge f...
Author: School №6

Order on measures to prevent corruption

Category: Order
Date: 2020-10-08 16:52:58
Author: School №6

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