Traffic rules

Online drawing contest" red, yellow, green"

Category: Compliance with traffic rules
Date: 2022-01-26 18:16:13
Қорытындысы results of the online drawing contest" red, yellow, green".
Author: School №6

Letter to the driver

Category: Compliance with traffic rules
Date: 2021-11-13 09:57:32
An action "Write a letter to the driver" was held among students of grades 4-7 of KSU OSH No. 6 in October. The guys wrote letters urging them to follow the Rules of the road. The children's letters addressed to drivers were diverse in manner, style and form, set out in simple words and imbued with children's experiences and emotions. The guys wanted to express their attitude t...
Author: School №6

Exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the poet M. Makatayev

Category: Compliance with traffic rules
Date: 2021-11-12 16:35:39
In the school library, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the true poet M. Makatayev, an exhibition of the poet's works was organized in the school library.  In the process of expressive reading of his poems,instilling love for the poet's poems. The poet's poems" about the motherland"," Ush bakytym"," poetry " were read.
Author: School №6

Project" School for learning"

Category: Compliance with traffic rules
Date: 2021-11-12 16:20:46
Within the framework of the project" school for learning", an exhibition" Abay murasy-Halyk ulagaty " was organized in the school library, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of A. Kunanbayev, and a library lesson with the 4B class was held. Students got acquainted with the life and work of the great Abai, got acquainted with his work. Students expressed their words of edifica...
Author: School №6

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