Category: Normatively-legal base

Normatively-legal base

About the teacher's status

About the teacher's status

2021-03-16 10:22:19

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Rules of pedagogical ethics

Rules of pedagogical ethics

2021-03-10 17:53:17

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Order No. 202

Regulations on certification of teachers, heads of educational organizations and deputy heads

2021-03-10 17:48:41

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Charter of the educational organization

Charter of the educational organization

2021-03-10 17:43:56

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School internal regulations

School internal regulations

2021-03-10 17:03:27

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"Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Educational Objects" Sanitary rules dated August 16, 2017 № 611

"Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Educational Objects" Sanitary rules dated August 16, 2017 № 611

2020-12-08 10:07:05

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"On approval of state compulsory education standards at all levels of education"

"On approval of state compulsory education standards at all levels of education"

2020-12-08 10:05:42

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Model curricula (with reduced workload)

Model curricula (with reduced workload)

2020-11-06 14:53:44

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Order №125

On amendments to order of Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 18, 2008 No. 125 "On approving the Model regulations for the ongoing monitoring of progress, interim and final attestation of students of organizations of secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education»

2020-10-28 15:43:03

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Order №123

On strengthening measures to prevent the spread OF covid-19 coronavirus infection in educational institutions during the pandemic

2020-09-09 12:06:05

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Order №108

Methodological recommendations for teachers on the organization of independent work of students in the framework of distance learning (OS) and the implementation of educational tasks

2020-09-09 12:01:40

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Appendix to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 30, 2020 № 168

Appendix to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 30, 2020 № 168

2020-05-26 15:10:47

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