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On sntyabr 06, 2021, members of the school-lyceum brakerage commission conducted another inspection of the canteen in order to monitor the quality of food.

On sntyabr 06, 2021, members of the school-lyceum brakerage commission conducted another inspection of the canteen in order to monitor the quality of food.

The members of the commission conducted monitoring in the following categories:

- organization of work in the food department, canteen;

- quality of food products, conditions of their transportation, delivery, unloading, storage;

- terms of product sales;

- the quality of the cooking;

- compliance of nutrition with the physiological needs of children in basic nutrients;

- control and verification of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees of the food department.

Date: 16.09.2021, 21:57 Author: Lyceum №2