Decade of disciplines.

Decade of disciplines.

The Lyceum continues a decade of humanitarian subjects. 13.12.12 in grades 8-9, an open lesson was held on the topic: "the teenager and the law" for boys in grades 8-9. The purpose of the event: to explain to students the vital need for legal education, to teach them to Express their thoughts freely. On the open platform, students of 9th grades Esengaliev A., Madibekov A. told about human rights in the country and about the codes held in violation of the law.The event was organized by the teacher of history and law Dosybaev N. K. On the open platform, students learned a lot about how to improve legal awareness and will, and watched a documentary.  The event was attended by the inspector of the Lyceum.

Date: 18.12.2019, 17:42 Author: Lyceum №2