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The organizers of the Lyceum world – Meirzhan

The organizers of the Lyceum world – Meirzhan

The organizers of the Lyceum world – Meirzhan!

Poland in Warsaw, the winners participating in the national project "Comparative analysis of the European education system on the example of the Republic of Poland: kindergarten – school – UNIVERSITY" in the international conference 7A class of Lyceum, an excellent student Alamanov Favor. First place in the international conference in Moscow, the direction in this conference. Marjani theme: "Victory, but I repeat – Europe master Slatkin literature in the Kazakh language, the translator" in our region, writer, translator Asanovi to labour Victory. At the conference, their Favor free gaming environment, ned knew, in the language of thought, the ability of students to communicate freely with the audience, as jury, on the above spikers balun. In may will the results of the conference, the international conference and to see the beautiful city of Poland, Warsaw land Marian receive a prize and certificate. Travel free, the proud eagle soaring on top of the student science research Director, teacher of Kazakh language and literature, not Baltabay akerke Schmelkin work. With wishes of good luck and Shimizu Marana scientific Director of the Gymnasium, Lyceum, city, region, Republic, as the successful receipt of the status of students our Gratitude!

“Bolashak” OGK correspondents

Date: 23.04.2019, 10:20 Author: Lyceum №2