Within the framework of EcoLife Ecological Project

Within the framework of EcoLife Ecological Project

"Bird Birds", Medetbek Ayan presented a research on "Traveling to the bird world", while group work on the theme "Amazing birds" was shared by the students, shared the data and sculpted birds

Within the framework of EcoLife Ecological Project

April 6, 2019 in the 4th Class A Daurenbekova AA He conducted a cognitive lesson on "Birds - Our Friend".

Purpose: 1. To provide pupils with useful information about the general birds. Taking care of the basics, adapting to birds.

2. Increasing the interest of birds by solving riddles, promoting their sense of protection.

3. To educate students about environmental education, that is, to protect birds, not to touch them, to nest.

Visibility: interactive whiteboards, slides, proverbs.

Methods: literary assembly, interpretation, game.


Part 1: "Birds are our friends!"

Section 2: "The World of Mysteries"

Section 3: Population Prognosis

Part 4: The Game "Let's Eat Birds"

Section 5: "In the Country of Fairy Tales"

Section 6: Conclusion.

Date: 9.04.2019, 14:35 Author: Lyceum №2