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Information about the conducted events in the KSU "Lyceum № 2 named after Abay of Balkhash town" on the topic: "Secure Internet"

Information about the conducted events in the KSU

n KSU "Lyceum № 2 named after Abay and Balkhash" in the period from April 23 to May 8, 2018 events were held timed to the Republican action "Safe Internet". The purpose of the events: Familiarization of parents and pupils of the Lyceum with features, rules on Internet security measures. Deputy. Directors for the information section: Shynar Amandykovna and Asel Abikenovna, psychologist Lyceum Aysulu Aimuratovna organized class watches among students on the topic "Secure Internet". The parents of the lyceum took part in these class hours. The class hours were held in the form of a Round Table. Under the organization of the librarian of the Lyceum Bulganbai Khapura, the Action "Book - instead of the Internet" Teacher of Informatics Iskakova G.B. organized a competition - presentation of slides among students of grades 5-6 on the topic: "Agentomania". The overall goal of all activities is to protect students from the harm of unnecessary information on the Internet.

Date: 6.06.2018, 11:23 Author: Lyceum №2