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Urban Week of Mathematicians

Urban Week of Mathematicians

During the city week of mathematicians, 4 pupils of our Lyceum took part in the municipal competition of mathematicians. As a result, 5A class pupil Amantai Erasyl took the Honorary II place. Teacher: Alzhan B.T. 3 students took part in the city subject Olympiad in mathematics. As a result of the Olympiad, a student of 7B Esengaliev Alikhan II place. Teacher: Alzhan B.T. In the city team subject Olympiad among the pupils of the 8,10 classes in mathematics the team of Lyceum "Erudite" took part. Our team took the 1 st place. As part of the team: Karimhan Amina 8A kl, Merzakhan Alikhan 8A kl, student of 10 cells of Sovetov Eldan. Teachers of mathematics: Alibieva AB, Imanbekova BB

Date: 10.04.2018, 8:59 Author: Lyceum №2