"Possibilities of distance learning platforms"

✅ 24.10.2020 at 10.00 in accordance with the work plan of leading schools on the ZOOM platform for magnetic schools, an online seminar "Possibilities of distance learning platforms" was held. The methodologist of the Education Department of Balkhash city K.Kh. Ainabekova and the magnetic school were attended by:
✅№2 school-lyceum them. Abay;
School-gymnasium ullС Seifullin №7;
✅№5 ZhBBOM
✅25th secondary school named after Y. Altynsarin
✅№6 ZhBBOM
Moderator: teacher of biology, MSO "Lyceum School No. 15 of Balkhash named after Alikhan Bokeikhanov "Bakytkyzy P." Platforms in the field of distance learning shared their experience in the field of Micro, Pudlet, Google meet, Zoom, Jumpo. During the feedback, they shared important information, suggestions and comments.