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EXPO-2017 gold page of the history of Kasakhstan

EXPO-2017 gold page of the history of Kasakhstan

The town exhibition of designer decision of souvenir production, devoted to the “EXPO - 2017” was conducted within the framework of network of Balkhash town actions, which devoted to the 15th anniversary of our capital “To the 15th anniversary of Astana – 15 good affairs” on the base of school №18 on 25.06.2013.

The exhibition conduct with the aim of exposure, development and supporting of talent learning in the sphere of  decorative and applied creation and design, popularization of national culture and demonstration of possibilities creative school unifications.            

90 works at the age of 10 till 14 from 17 school camps of the town were declared to the competition. The basic sectors of the exhibition: weaving; ceramics; painting, mosaic; wood engraving; macramé; floristics, embroidery, needlework, batik, gobelin; decoration made of  precious stones; beads braiding; bijouterie; artistic product made of fur and leather, national clothes. Each school strive to create unique exhibit , which able to express the national originality of the Kazakh people, his culture.

The plane made of foam plastic, works in technique of origami, made of salted dough, made of beads, picture made of cardboard and paper unquestionably became integral part of creative approach of exhibition participants. 


In total 800 children of school camps visited the exhibition.


All participants of the exhibition and their managers were awarded with diplomas of the department of education.

Awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes:

The 1st place -     

1. school  № 4

2. school № 15

The 2nd place -

1. school-gymnasium № 7

2. school № 10

3. school № 24

The 3rd place -

1. lyceum № 2

2. school № 8

3. school № 16

4. school № 18


Дата: 26.06.2013, 8:33 Автор: Школы и сады г. Балхаш