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School Day -2018

Today, science and education, new technologies have become key factors in the competitiveness of any country, and hence its welfare. Knowledge and creative potential of thinking, that is, creativity, the ability to navigate in a market economy, to adapt quickly in a dynamic world, mobility and high professionalism have become the most valuable and popular resource. In order to develop these qualities, students at school №24 are currently taking lessons on the updated teaching program, start-up projects at school, and extra-curricular activities.

            The results of these projects were shown on School Day on 07.02.2018. The school day consisted of 3 blocks. 1st  block "Fictional literate teacher", a technology lesson was taught by the teacher G.M. Kulymzhanova, as well as fragments of lessons using computer-generated information sources - teacher N.S. Bekmaganbetova, stories - teacher L.B. Sholakova. 2nd  block - the implementation of the program "Tugan zher". The guests were provided with educational and methodical complexes developed by the teachers of the school Saduov BE, Karibay B.K, Ospanova Zh.N, Dysenbekova R.S.
The 3rd block "Practical Inflow of Creative Ideas" showed start-up projects of teachers and children on different topics. Easy, free and at ease felt the students involved in all stages of the school day. The guests highly appreciated all the lessons and projects, only positive feedback was heard.
Date: 8.02.2018, 15:30 Author: Department