
An “Integrity Hour” was organized and conducted among students in grades 5-11.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-18 09:52:24
An “Integrity Hour” was organized and conducted among students in grades 5-11.
An “Integrity Hour” was organized and conducted among students in grades 5-11. During the conversation, the guys talked about concepts such as integrity, conscience, justice, honesty, corruption, bribery and watched a video on a given topic.

Қазақстан халқы тілдер күніне орай, мектебімізде 6 шы қыркүйек күні 9 сыныптар арасында «1001 мақал 101 жұмбақ» танымдық сайысы өтті.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-07 10:30:59
Қазақстан халқы  тілдер  күніне орай, мектебімізде  6 шы қыркүйек  күні 9  сыныптар арасында «1001 мақал 101  жұмбақ»  танымдық сайысы өтті.
Қазақстан халқы  тілдер  күніне орай, мектебімізде  6 шы қыркүйек  күні 9  сыныптар арасында «1001 мақал 101  жұмбақ»  танымдық сайысы өтті. Мақсаты: оқушыларымыздың тіл байлығын дамыту, ана тілге деген  сүйіспеншіліктерін қалыптастыру. Сайыста оқушыларымыз белсенді қатысып, жақсы көрсеткіштер көрсетті.

Қарағанды обылысының білім басқармасы, ҚО ББД оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен 2023 жылдың 5 қыркүйегінде "3 жалпы білім беретін мектепте" Қазақстан халқы тілдері күніне арналған обылыстық ашық диктант өтті.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-06 14:37:54
Қарағанды  обылысының білім  басқармасы, ҚО ББД оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен 2023 жылдың 5 қыркүйегінде
Қарағанды  обылысының білім  басқармасы, ҚО ББД оқу-әдістемелік орталығының ұйымдастыруымен 2023 жылдың 5 қыркүйегінде "3 жалпы білім беретін мектепте" Қазақстан халқы тілдері күніне арналған обылыстық ашық диктант өтті. Диктантқа 3-11 сынып оқушылары, мектеп әкімшілігі мен педагогтер қатысты. Диктанттың мақсаты: мемлекеттік тілдің қолдануы аясын кеңейту арқылы қазақстандық б...

In order to form and develop spiritual values in the new academic year, to reveal the concepts of friendship, responsibility and mutual respect, class teachers at the hours of communication held conversations with students about the pursuit of knowledge,

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-06 14:36:24
In order to form and develop spiritual values in the new academic year, to reveal the concepts of friendship, responsibility and mutual respect, class teachers at the hours of communication held conversations with students about the pursuit of knowledge,
In order to form and develop spiritual values in the new academic year, to reveal the concepts of friendship, responsibility and mutual respect, class teachers at the hours of communication held conversations with students about the pursuit of knowledge, hard work and patriotism.

The first September morning brings with it something new, leading students along uncharted roads of knowledge

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-06 14:33:40
The first September morning brings with it something new, leading students along uncharted roads of knowledge
The first September morning brings with it something new, leading students along uncharted roads of knowledge. This is the beginning of a long school journey for first graders and the start of the last academic year for eleventh graders.    With the beginning of the school year, students, parents, teachers congratulated the acting. director Bondar I.V. and guest of the holiday, membe...

On August 1, 2023, the Road to School charity event was launched in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-09-06 14:30:15
On August 1, 2023, the Road to School charity event was launched in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On August 1, 2023, the Road to School charity event was launched in the Republic of Kazakhstan. I would like to express my gratitude to the sponsors who remained indifferent to this action, it is the Kounrad Corporate Fund. Students from socially unprotected strata of the population were provided with material assistance in the form of backpacks with school supplies and school clothes.


Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-08-21 11:32:11
ХАБАРЛАНДЫРУ Қарағанды ​​облысы білім басқармасының Балқаш қаласы білім бөлімінің «No 3 орта мектеп» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі, көш. Алтынсарин 11, бос орындарға конкурс жариялайды: 1. Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті мұғалімі, 1 ставка (16 сағат), біліктілік талаптарына сәйкес, атқаратын лауазымына сәйкес лауазымдық жалақысы бар.   2. Орыс тілі мен әдебиеті мұғалімі, 0,5 став...

As part of the concept "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" on the school playground, the children gladly went on a hike in the steppe to the hills.

Category: summer-2023
Date: 2023-06-12 11:16:15
As part of the concept
As part of the concept "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" on the school playground, the children gladly went on a hike in the steppe to the hills. How many positive emotions they received from outdoor games. The guys showed mutual assistance and support to each other.

June 7, 2023 as part of the events "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" for the children on the school playground, a children's game program “Playing Together is Fun” was held, the participants of it were children of different ages.

Category: summer-2023
Date: 2023-06-12 11:14:09
June 7, 2023 as part of the events
June 7, 2023 as part of the events "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" for the children on the school playground, a children's game program “Playing Together is Fun” was held, the participants of it were children of different ages. The program was filled with many fun contests and games, such as “Jump rope”, “Hoop”, &ld...

There was a Kazakh language lesson with the students.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-06-12 11:12:04
There was a Kazakh language lesson with the students.
There was a Kazakh language lesson with the students. The students got acquainted with new words from the Kazakh language, characters of fairy tales. They asked each other questions and worked with the dictionary. He made up a fairy tale for the characters of the fairy tales and explained the meaning of the fairy tale. Through the fairy tales, the students' interest in reading books increase...

June 6, 2023 as part of the events "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" an entertainment and game program “Summer Game Library” was held for the children, where the children took part in the games “Lay out the sun”, “Grasshoppers”, “

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-06-12 11:09:25
June 6, 2023 as part of the events
June 6, 2023 as part of the events "Children of Kazakhstan - let's fill the summer with joy!" an entertainment and game program “Summer Game Library” was held for the children, where the children took part in the games “Lay out the sun”, “Grasshoppers”, “Funny caterpillars”, performed a flash mob.

Today is 2023 On June 5, 1st grade, 5-6th grade schoolchildren performed various tasks on the common theme "Getting to know each other". Everything happened in a game way. The kids liked everything.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-06-12 11:06:40
Today is 2023 On June 5, 1st grade, 5-6th grade schoolchildren performed various tasks on the common theme
Today is 2023 On June 5, 1st grade, 5-6th grade schoolchildren performed various tasks on the common theme "Getting to know each other". Everything happened in a game way. The kids liked everything.

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