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Public institution "Secondary school № 8 of Balkhash town"


Tokeybekova Aigul Tokenovna

      One of the main directions of the development of our young independent country is to achieve a high, corresponding to the world standards, reultate in education and science. Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev pays  attention to the education and development and pays to the main priorities of the state policy.
    Teacher's work - great work, which is composed of highly educated, responsibility, development of new technologies, striving to achieve high results. Our school is contributing its goals the country, region, city just contributes.
    More than 70 school teachers are educating over 600 children in this school year. Of course,  the school aims  to not an easy task. The entire staff of the school, each teacher individually through everyday search must pass direction on a new path - a path that will open up opportunities for renewal, innovation, new experiences and new relationships.
   The site of the school collected various materials concerning the educational process. Through the site, we share with school news and developments. At any time the information you need about our school, you can find on the site. Welcome to our site!

With respect, the director  Tokeybekova Aigul Tokenovna