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menu 27.07.2022
27-07-2022 10:55
menu 27.07.2022
menu 26.07.2022
26-07-2022 10:55
menu 26.07.2022
menu 26.07.2022
menu 25.07.2022
25-07-2022 10:53
menu 25.07.2022
menu 25.07.2022
On August 2, 2022, the recruitment of children to preschool organizations in the city of Balkhash begins.
22-07-2022 14:47
On August 2, 2022, the recruitment of children to preschool organizations in the city of Balkhash begins.
Dear parents! On August 2, 2022, the recruitment of children to preschool organizations in the city of Balkhash begins. We ask you to be vigilant and comply with the requirements when working with t...
Menu 22.07.2022
22-07-2022 11:25
Menu 22.07.2022
Menu 22.07.2022
menu 21.07.2022
21-07-2022 15:32
menu 21.07.2022
menu 21.07.2022
21-07-2022 11:42
SWALLOW GROUP "World of flowers" Introduce children to wildflowers and wildflowers. Develop a caring attitude to flowers. Master the ability to distinguish between garden flowers and indoor...
Botakan group
21-07-2022 11:42
Botakan group
Botakan group. Expand your understanding of the insect world, arouse interest in insects, foster love for nature, and foster care.
menu 20.07.2022
20-07-2022 14:52
menu 20.07.2022
menu 20.07.2022
The group of pre-school preparation "Fidget"
20-07-2022 11:36
The group of pre-school preparation
The group of pre-school preparation "Fidget". Topic: "Gentle sun".
"Group of stars"
20-07-2022 11:33
"Group of stars" Theme: Flowers Purpose: to teach the ability to distinguish colors. Fill in your knowledge about summer and get acquainted with the types of flowers.
menu 19.07.2022
19-07-2022 14:50
menu 19.07.2022
menu 19.07.2022