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Literature Club invites…«Подвиг любви бескорыстной…»

Date: 2013-03-13 03:30:07
Literature Club invites…«Подвиг любви бескорыстной…»

On the 11th of March 2013 on the school № 3 were organized the meeting in the literature drawing room “The feat of unselfish love…”  (The subject of decabrizm in the literature) . In the drawing room were sounded the products of Great Russian poets and writers. At this theme were 2 lines: men- thit is romantics, heroes; and women- its wives,   lovers the fate of their own husbands.

         In the show were occupied pupils from 7-10 classes.  Also have been sounded the touching poetry, romances, and performed the waltz. The spectators have seen the fragment of N. A. Necrasov from poem “Russian women’’.  А presentation was accompanied splendid video.

Author: Department