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Daily menu

Category: Daily menu

Меню на 05.08.2021 г


Menu for 29.04.2021

Breakfast Semolina porridge, bread and butter, "Chicory" with milk and sugar. Lunch Soup on bone broth "Rassolnik", fish cutlet with rice compote with the addition of vitamin "C", bread. Dinner/afternoon tea / soup on bone broth "Field", tea with sugar, rye bread.

2021-04-29 10:07:43

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Menu for 28.04.2021

Breakfast Milk porridge "5 cereals", bread with butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. Lunch Soup "Kharcho" on bone broth,, meat cutlet with horns compote with the addition of vitamin "C", bread. Dinner / afternoon snack/: fish soup, kefir with sugar, rye bread

2021-04-28 09:58:25

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Menu for 27.04.2021

Breakfast: Wheat milk porridge, bread and butter, "Chicory" with milk and sugar. 10: 00: apples Lunch: Beetroot soup with bone broth, potato casserole, compote with vitamin C, bread. Dinner / afternoon tea/: Buckwheat bone broth soup, tea with milk and sugar, rye bread.

2021-04-27 10:51:36

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Menu for 26.04.2021

Breakfast Millet milk porridge, bread and butter, cocoa. Lunch Cabbage soup with bone broth, goulash with buckwheat, compote with vitamin C, bread. Dinner/afternoon tea Milk vermicelli soup, "Snowball", rye bread.

2021-04-26 08:23:38

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Menu for 23.04.2021

Menu Breakfast Oatmeal porridge, bread and butter, chicory. Lunch Homemade noodles in bone broth, bigus, jelly, bread. Dinner/Afternoon tea/ Buckwheat milk soup, tea with milk, rye bread, bun with jam.

2021-04-23 08:35:04

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Menu for 22.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Millet", bread and butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. Lunch: Borscht on bone broth, fish cutlet with mashed potatoes, compote with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon tea/: Soup on bone broth "Bean", jelly, rye bread.

2021-04-22 08:25:46

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Menu for 21.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Semolina porridge, bread and butter, Chicory with milk and sugar. Lunch: Pickle soup with bone broth, goulash with pea puree, compote with vitamin C. Dinner /Afternoon tea/: Milk vermicelli soup, "Snowball", rye bread.

2021-04-21 08:21:08

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Menu for 20.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Corn", bread and butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. 10: 00 apples Lunch: Beetroot soup on bone broth, pilaf, compote with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon tea/: Fish soup, tea, rye bread, cookies

2021-04-20 08:22:09

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Menu for 19.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "5 cereals", bread and butter, tea with milk and sugar. Lunch: Cabbage soup with bone broth, meat cutlet with horns, compote with vitamin C. Dinner / afternoon tea/: Soup with bone broth "Lentil", cocoa with milk, rye bread.

2021-04-19 14:12:13

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Menu for 16.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Druzhba", bread and butter, "Chicory" with milk and sugar. Juice Lunch: Soup on bone broth "With dumplings", Azu in Tatar, wheat bread, compote with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon snack/: Milk vermicelli soup, tea with milk, cookies, rye bread.

2021-04-16 10:23:48

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Menu for 15.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge, bread and butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. Lunch: Soup with bone broth "Bean", lazy cabbage rolls, wheat bread, compote with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon tea/: Fish pie, jelly, rye bread.

2021-04-16 10:21:22

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Menu for 14.04.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Rice porridge, bread and butter, Chicory with milk and sugar. 10: 00 Apple Lunch: Pickle soup with bone broth, meat cutlet with horns, wheat bread, compote with vitamin C. Dinner / afternoon snack/: Vegetable stew , kefir with sugar, rye bread.

2021-04-16 10:18:39

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