Category: Все

Information on educational ethics


2020-09-28 06:33:59

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On September 23, in honor of Labor Day, a career guidance meeting was held between the psychologist Belyaeva A.V. and students of graduation correctional classes.

On September 23, in honor of Labor Day, a career guidance meeting was held between the psychologist Belyaeva A.V. and students of graduation correctional classes. The purpose of career guidance work at school: - providing vocational guidance to students in the process of choosing a training profile and a field of future professional activity; - the development of professional self-determination among schoolchildren in conditions of freedom to choose a field of activity, in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account the requirements of the labor market

2020-09-25 14:37:09

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September 23 vocational guidance conversation with 9 grades.


2020-09-25 11:25:15

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On September 24, 2020, for students in grades 10-11 of secondary school No. 1 and 4, the prosecutor's office of the city of Balkhash, together with a group of juvenile police, conducted lectures on the prevention of drug addiction among minors


2020-09-25 10:44:27

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On September 24, 2020, for students in grades 10-11 of secondary school No. 1 and 4, the prosecutor's office of the city of Balkhash, together with a group of juvenile police, conducted lectures on the prevention of drug addiction among minors


2020-09-25 10:43:27

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Implementation of the ideas of inclusive education

09/24/2020 on the zoom platform, teachers of the secondary school №1 took part in the online seminar “Implementation of the ideas of inclusive education in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Realities and Prospects ", which was conducted by the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education and Inclusive Education Zhambyl -" Orleu "Abilova AB. and correctional teacher, specialist in social rehabilitation Dukhman E.V. Kaliningrad. During the seminar, topical problems in the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan were considered. Elena Viktorovna voiced the pros and cons of inclusive education in Russia, shared examples of education in foreign countries. She spoke in detail about the methods of working with children with disabilities, OOP in Russia, about the system of inclusive education in general. She shared her personal experience of psychological and pedagogical correction. She suggested the prospects and realities of inclusion. Aigul Bulatovna, in turn, described the process of inclusive direction and development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, talking about the centers, programs operating at this time, the directions in which teachers and parents work. It's nice to know that we are keeping pace with the times, not standing still and moving in the right direction. It is very important and necessary to receive full, professional help and to know that we are doing one big thing! We look forward to the next online meetings with colleagues!

2020-09-25 10:36:16

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Tips for Parents of First Graders

Tips for Parents of First Graders Now is not an easy time for everyone, but especially for first-graders and their parents. Duty groups in the school opened their doors with all the observance of sanitary standards. Our children go through a great test not only because they went to school, but also because of unusual requirements, special rules of education. Our task is to soften as much as possible the adaptation, addiction of first graders at school and at home. Parents need to understand some of the requirements and conditions of this adaptation. Going to school for a child is stressful. He sees a lot of new and unusual things at school. A feature of today's children who have come to first grade is fatigue. In the first lesson, they openly yawn, in the third, they lie on their desks. How can we adults help a child? First of all, it is worth remembering the old and reliable ways to maintain the health of a first grader. This is the observance of the daily regimen: sleep for at least 10 hours a day, complete nutrition, exercise. It would be justified to limit the viewing of TV programs to 30 minutes a day. Long (up to two hours) walks in the air restore the child's emotional well-being well - not a walk in the shops, but a walk in the park, in the yard. From the early morning, set your child up to be kind to everything. Say "good morning" - and get ready for school without fuss. • When you come to school with your child, try to do without preachings, as they do not give anything but morning fatigue. But explaining the safe way to school to the child is necessary. Safe, but not short. • When meeting your child at school after school, rejoice with him that he was able to work on his own, without you, for three whole hours. Listen patiently to him, praise, support and under no circumstances scold him - there is still nothing for that. What to do if the first difficulties appear? Be generous with your praise, this is very important for a first grader now. The comment should be specific and not specific to the child's personality. He's not a slob, he just has a little mess in his notebook right now. Don't make several remarks to your child at once. • Never compare your child with other children. This leads either to anger or to the formation of self-doubt. I have not met parents who would be offended by their children for soiled diapers, but for soiled notebooks - as much as necessary. Although in both cases, the period of marania is inevitable. The child does not need the position of the prosecutor, which is so often occupied by parents: "You will rewrite five times until it works out well!" It is unacceptable. Please remember this. The mental and physical health of a first grader depends on contact with everyone who works at the school. It is impossible not to respect an elementary school teacher, because he works and lives the life of his children. Support your teacher in word and deed, help him. Do not rush to condemn the teacher, the school administration, do not rush to categorically express your opinion about them - it is better to take advice: after all, everything that a teacher does is primarily done for the benefit of your child.

2020-09-25 10:32:15

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Between us girls 09/17/2020


2020-09-24 06:37:12

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Memo for commissions


2020-09-23 11:16:02

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MEG recommendations


2020-09-23 11:14:49

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Commission recommendations


2020-09-23 11:13:11

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Children's projects


2020-09-23 07:56:15

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