Category: Все

"Қазақтың дәстүрлі музыкасы"

Development of an open lesson in the Kazakh language

2017-12-24 16:59:36

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English speaking countries

Learning objectives(s) 2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects 2.UE5 interrogative pronouns what, where, how to ask basic questions 2.L3 recognize with support common names and names of places and the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

2017-12-24 12:00:28

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About the language in the Republic of Kazakhstan

About the language in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2017-11-29 06:11:38

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About the fight against corruption

About the fight against corruption

2017-11-29 06:08:22

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Children's Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Children's Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2017-11-29 06:03:45

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On Social and Medical Pedagogical Correctional Assistance for Children with Disabilities

Тhe Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11 July 2002 No. 343

2017-11-29 06:00:13

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About education

About education

2017-11-29 05:57:23

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Approval of the Regulation on Class Leadership in Secondary Education Institutions

Approval of the Regulation on Class Leadership in Secondary Education Institutions

2017-11-29 05:15:16

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Annual report

2016-2017 school year information about the executed advanced studies.

2017-11-28 06:53:36

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Conducted events

Republics of казахстан from March, 13 2012 №99 "organization and realization of republican olympiad on general objects in accordance with" rules внутришкольного on November, №24 445", on the basis of school olympiad of October, 26-27. In all in an olympiad took part 97 students . 8 class - 29 students, 9 th классов- 30 classes of students, 10th for 28 11th classes of students - 10 students.

2017-11-28 06:10:13

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2017-11-09 04:01:50

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«Бастауыш, негізгі орта, жалпы орта білім беру ұйымдарына денсаулығына байланысты ұзақ уақыт бойы бара алмайтын балаларды үйде жеке тегін оқытуды ұйымдастыру үшін құжаттарды қабылдау» мемлекеттiк көрсетілетін қызметіне ИНФОГРАФИКА

«Бастауыш, негізгі орта, жалпы орта білім беру ұйымдарына денсаулығына байланысты ұзақ уақыт бойы бара алмайтын балаларды үйде жеке тегін оқытуды ұйымдастыру үшін құжаттарды қабылдау» мемлекеттiк көрсетілетін қызметіне ИНФОГРАФИКА

2017-11-02 14:39:12

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