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Information about the computer equipment received from the republican budget for KSU "General Education school No. 9" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region

During the period of quarantine measures related to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection, KSU "General Education School No. 9" received equipment from the republican budget in the amount of: computers-9 pcs; tablets-10 pcs; laptops-75 pcs. All of them are distributed to the students of the school. List of students who received temporary use of computer devices from the republican budget:

2021-03-18 15:06:06

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Psychologist's advice for parents "the most common shortcomings associated with raising a child"

In March, parents were given psychological online counseling on the topic: "common shortcomings in the upbringing of children".

2021-03-17 10:19:43

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Information on the topic "harm of social networks, online games"

In March , students of the 6th grade wrote a thought on the topic: "the dangers of social networks, online games". Purpose: to explain the impact of a mobile phone on health, - to foster optimal use of a mobile phone, - to know thoughts about the use of a mobile phone, - to reflect on their responsibility for the child's health, to prepare for a conversation on this topic;

2021-03-17 10:14:40

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Psychologist's consultation for students" ethics of behavior in social networks"

In October , students of grades 5-6 were sent a video consultation on the topic "ethics of behavior in social networks" to Whatsapp and Instagram chat. Purpose: to give students an idea of how to use the internet correctly, about the dangers and benefits, to introduce them to various blocks on the internet

2021-03-17 10:12:22

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Psychologist's consultation for parents on the topic"prevention of suicidal behavior of a teenager"

In March, parents of grades 7-11 were sent video consultations and suggestions on the topic "prevention of suicidal behavior of a teenager". The school psychologist spoke about the relationship between parents and teenagers, about measures to prevent suicidal behavior.

2021-03-17 10:10:21

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Women's Hour "What is sexual life and prevention of early pregnancy"

In February, a psychological conversation-consultation was held for girls of grades 9,10,11 on the topic "What is sexual life and prevention of early pregnancy". Goal: to prevent negative events occurring in the world, the country as a whole, and early pregnancy among girls, to give advice on the proper upbringing of girls, explaining how harmful it is to health. What is early pregnancy in girls? Social video about early pregnancy, psychological advice is given to girls.

2021-03-17 10:07:03

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"Nauryz-yntymaktastyk pen dostyk merekesi"

In the library of secondary school No. 9 In order to instill in students a sense of pride for their people, respect for their native language, its history, art, culture, promotion of Kazakh traditions and national values, a book exhibition Nauryz – a holiday of solidarity and friendship was organized

2021-03-17 08:53:48

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"The Hour of integrity" on the theme "Tole bi-the founder of honesty and justice»

The next hour of integrity of the anti-corruption agency was held in grades 1-11. Tole bi, a thinker, a sage who made a huge contribution to the oratory of the Kazakh people, to strengthening the unity of the people, was dedicated to the young generation of his edifying life and commandments, wisdom and personal qualities.During the online video lecture on the topic turalyk tugyrgan Tole bi, young people got acquainted with the personal qualities of Tole bi, which allowed them to achieve such a high historical level of personality.

2021-03-17 08:36:51

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Volunteers "Adal Urpak"

The Adal Urpak School of volunteers organized a drawing contest for grades 4-5 on the theme "Against corruption"in our school. Purpose: to observe the views of the students, teaching them honesty and sincerity. Ensuring fair, open, fair competition and integrity, as well as preventing and combating corruption, minimizing the consequences of corruption offenses. Students actively participated in the competition and shared their views on the drawings.

2021-03-16 11:36:24

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Stand on the theme " Adal urpak – the future of the country

Honesty is the main trait of a person's character. In this regard, our school has an honesty store. The store has available training manuals at affordable prices. Students take the necessary things with them, leave the money for the received goods in the cash box and pay off. That is, there is no seller in the store, the buyers will serve the items themselves. The introduction of such stores is aimed at educating young people of positive moral qualities, including internal integrity and honesty. In addition, together with the high school students of our school, a stand was created on the theme "Adal urpak-el bolashagi". Objective: to promote the formation of an anti-corruption culture in educational institutions, strengthening the quality of honesty in the younger generation.

2021-03-16 11:32:57

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Information of the event" prevention of offenses and corruption, extortion"

On October 23, 2020, a round table on the formation of an anti-corruption culture of our school was held by members of the voluntary school club "Adal Urpak" on the topic "prevention of offenses and corruption, extortion" through the remote ZOOM platform. Purpose: to explain the concept of” corruption", to form an idea of the circumstances of its occurrence. Express your views and expand your worldview. Education of Justice, truthfulness, and brotherhood. During the meeting, the social teacher of our school A. Taiken told us what causes the end of offenses, corruption, extortion, how to avoid such habits, how every citizen is a patriot of his country. In addition, members of the voluntary school club" Adal Urpak " spoke and shared their thoughts. In conclusion, senior mentor R. Kashymbekova noted that the work of the voluntary school club "Adal Urpak" on the formation of an anti-corruption culture of our school will continue, as well as the goals and plans set by the club.

2021-03-16 11:27:54

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Information about the" hour of honesty" on the topic "Adaldyktyktyktyn KSU" secondary General Education School No. 9 of Balkhash"

On the initiative of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to form an anti-corruption culture and integrity in society, on 01.09.2020, in grades 1-11, a "hour of honesty" was held on the theme: "Adalyktyktyn adylyktegen Khoja Ahmed Yasawi". After watching the video, the students shared their opinions and shared their thoughts on honesty, justice, and integrity.

2021-03-16 11:25:38

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