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2021-09-27 10:09:51

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Санды сауаттылық - ақпараттық қоғамдағы қауіпсіздіктің негізі, ХХІ ғасырдыңеңмаңыздыбілімі, еңнегізгітақырыптарымыздыңбірі.Цифрліксауаттылық - бұл адам өмірінің барлық салаларында цифрлік технологияларды сенімді, тиімді қолдануғадайындығыжәне қабілеті. Осы технологиянықолдануарқылыхалықтыңөмірсапасынарттыруғажолашыпотыр.

2021-09-23 15:33:44

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Library hour "Zhambyl and Kazakh poetry"

On 21.09.2021, the school library hosted a library hour" Zhambyl and Kazakh poetry", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet,zhyrau,zhyrshi Zhambyl Zhabayev (1846-1945), as well as a review of the book exhibition "Zhambyl and Kazakh poetry".The event was attended by students of the 4th grade. The purpose of the event: to teach students about the life and work of the great poet Zhambyl, to instill in the hearts of students the poetic talent of Zhambyl , to foster love and appreciation of poetry.

2021-09-22 13:49:53

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"I don't know," he said.

In September, a psychological training was held with students of grades 7A, A, B, and B on the topic: "kyz kylyse korgelik". Training was conducted with girls using the methods of "acquaintance", group work "Kyz-Eldin Korki, Gul - Zemin Korki" protection, "moment of Refreshment", "Area of kindness". A slide and a video "beauty with a girl" were shown. The purpose of the training: to actualize the positive qualities of girls, to form qualities among girls of different classes. When talking to girls, you should raise your honor, beauty, and be respectful in front of the public.

2021-09-22 13:44:19

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"We are different, but we are together!"information of the training lesson

In our school, on September 5, students of grades A, B, and B held a concert "we are different, but we are together! a training session was held.The training began with a circle of joy, and the students shared their positive thoughts. Purpose of the training: prevention was carried out in order to prevent students from psychoemotional stress. I aimed to treat others with forgiveness, understanding,and kindness. I worked with the children through such exercises as "Magic Box", "thread roll", etc., to educate them to take responsibility for their actions, to treat others with patience.

2021-09-22 08:26:55

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Standard anti-corruption plan

Standard anti-corruption plan

2021-09-13 13:14:24

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Anti-corruption standard of Osh No. 9

Anti-corruption standard of Osh No. 9

2021-09-11 09:37:45

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Methods of "professional interest"

On 10.09.21 in general education School No. 9, psychologist F. zh Saduakasova conducted a test of D. Holland for students of grades 8-9 in order to determine the profession of children using the methods of "professional interest".Psychological orientation was given to the choice of profession.

2021-09-10 20:58:45

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Anti-Corruption Action Plan

Anti-Corruption Action Plan

2021-09-10 15:51:53

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Testing of Kern-Yirasik in order to determine readiness for school with first-graders

In order to determine the readiness of first - graders for school, the Kern-Yirasik test was taken. The goal is to observe the adaptation of students to school life with psychological readiness for school.A student of the 1st grade passed the test. According to the results of the test, the adaptation of students to school life with psychological readiness for school can be traced in the table below. Parents of students who are not yet sufficiently prepared for school were consulted by classroom teachers. Organization of their agenda. Arouse the desire for knowledge.

2021-09-10 15:30:25

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On appointment of members of the ethics and anti-corruption Council

On appointment of members of the ethics and anti-corruption Council

2021-09-10 15:19:11

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On combating corruption (with amendments and additions as of 19.12.2020)

On combating corruption (with amendments and additions as of 19.12.2020)

2021-09-10 15:13:06

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