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Information of the round table on the International Anti-Corruption Day

Members of the school club "Adal urpak" of secondary school No. 9 held a round table dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day on 7.12.21. The main purpose of this event is to form an anti-corruption consciousness among young people.It can be said that properly informing the younger generation about the negative consequences of corruption is one of the prerequisites for forming an anti-corruption culture among them, promoting deep awareness and fulfillment of their rights and duties.In the conditions of the formation of anti-corruption consciousness, a person begins to avoid inhumane acts, tries to prevent the commission of illegal actions. He stressed that it is necessary to educate a person from childhood in the spirit of Kazakhstani patriotism and rejection, intolerance to corruption.

2021-12-07 15:48:08

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"Ability research"

In our school, on 3.12.2021, a survey of students on the automated system "Study of abilities" was conducted among the 7th grade. Goal: to develop the motivation of cognitive interest in the profession, observation, attention; to give an idea of the psychological structure of the individual; Survey results:

2021-12-06 14:26:30

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"I grew up knowing myself..."training

In our school, on 18.11.21, students of grades 5-6 held a quiz "I grow up with self-knowledge... psychological training".Having correctly formed the views of the younger generation on the upbringing of a person and the upbringing of society, he noted that in the future he will become a member of a society that cares about the fate of the nation, cares about the generations. Group work exercises were conducted with students using the methods" questions for reflection"," kind heart"," height"," Dragon game"," ban a girl from 40 houses". The students expressed their opinions and showed activity. At the end of the training, each student wrote down their thoughts on a butterfly stalk and pasted them on a growing oak tree.

2021-11-30 15:05:13

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"We are different, but together"

On 19.11.2021, a training session "we are different, but together" was held in our school among the 7th grades. Goal: to expand the concept of tolerance. Learn to treat others with forgiveness, understanding,and kindness. Education of responsible attitude to the actions performed, patient attitude to the people around them. Strengthening the relationship between parents and children, encouraging students to be respectful and disciplined.Formation of collective, friendly relations.

2021-11-29 11:46:21

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Training hour "my dream"

On 26.11.21, a training hour "Menin armanym" was held in the school in order to draw thoughts about the profession in the minds of children in the 3rd grade. Goal: to develop students ' attitude to life, learn about their dreams and goals.

2021-11-27 10:04:07

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On some issues of pedagogical ethics

On some issues of pedagogical ethics

2021-11-26 13:55:06

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On appointment and assignment of duties of the ethics and anti-corruption commissioner

On appointment and assignment of duties of the ethics and anti-corruption commissioner

2021-11-26 13:52:17

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Information on the "Hour of Honesty" 2020-2021 in secondary school No. 9

On 25.11.21 in our school, in grades 8-11, an "hour of honesty" was held with the chairman of the youth wing of "Jasotan" Haman Khamitov. For the hour of honesty, the formation of an anti-corruption culture among the younger generation against the background of universal and national values and the education of people who are ready to resist it. Honesty is one of the noble qualities of a person. The word "honesty" reminds of such good qualities as honesty, loyalty, sincerity.In the manuscripts and diaries of foreign travelers, you can find information that nomadic Kazakhs, from the point of view of moral, honest qualities, have always been pure, pure.To be honest, honest in front of your personality is to be born only from the sanctity of yourself, from the virtue of behavior.

2021-11-25 09:32:07

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Педагогикалық әдептің кейбір мәселелері туралы

Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрінің 2020 жылғы 11 мамырдағы № 190 бұйрығы. Қазақстан Республикасының Әділет министрлігінде 2020 жылғы 12 мамырда № 20619 болып тіркелді. "Білім туралы" 2007 жылғы 27 шілдедегі Қазақстан Республикасы Заңының 5-бабының 34-1) тармақшасына сәйкес, "Педагог мәртебесі туралы" 2019 жылғы 27 желтоқсандағы Қазақстан Республикасы Заңының 5-бабының 3-тармағына және 16-бабының 1-тармағына негізінде БҰЙЫРАМЫН:

2021-11-24 15:31:06

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Педагогикалық әдеп коммисия мүшелері

1. Алтаева Гүлфархад Хамиевна 2. Акшолакова Гүлжазира Рымкуловна

2021-11-24 15:30:20

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Педагог мәртебесі туралы

Қазақстан Республикасының Заңы 2019 жылғы 27 желтоқсандағы № 293-VІ ҚРЗ. Осы Заң педагог мәртебесін айқындайды, педагогтің құқықтарын, әлеуметтік кепілдіктерін және шектеулерін, міндеттері мен жауапкершілігін белгілейді.

2021-11-24 15:29:48

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On the topic:" combating corruption"

On November 13, 2021, on the topic" combating corruption", teacher Abdygappar U. S. presented information on legal education among school teachers. This plan provides for anti-corruption measures aimed at establishing the basics of preventing and combating corruption, reducing and eliminating the consequences of corruption offenses.

2021-11-18 11:43:33

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