Category: Все

Career Guidance

On 17.04.2018, vocational guidance work for pupils of 9 classes was conducted in the secondary school № 8. Students and teachers of the Balkhash Humanitarian Technical College acquainted students with the faculties and specialties of the college, conducted vocational guidance work.

2018-04-19 16:16:41

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How to calculate the speed?

How to calculate the speed?

2018-03-14 17:24:23

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Economy and Life of the Uysuns

Economy and Life of the Uysuns

2018-03-14 17:20:39

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Protocol on the results of the competition

Protocol on the results of the competition

2018-03-01 18:00:26

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Protocol of opening of envelopes

Protocol of opening of envelopes

2018-03-01 17:58:30

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Protocol on admission to the competition

Конкурсқа қол қою туралы хаттама

2018-03-01 17:53:40

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Vocational guidance work, conducted jointly with the teachers and students of the Balkhash Technical and Multidisciplinary College.

Балқаш техникалық колледжінің студенттерімен және көпсалалы колледж оқытушыларымен бірлескен кәсіптік бағдар беру жұмысы

2018-02-14 17:23:22

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Appendix 4,5,6,7,9 to a typical CD at the choice of the supplier

Приложение 4,5,6,7,9 к типовой КД по выбору поставщика

2018-02-07 12:22:36

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Annex 4,5,6,7,9 to the typical Bid Selection Documentation

Приложение 4,5,6,7,9 к типовой КД по выбору поставщика

2018-02-07 12:19:15

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A single two-week menu

Единное двухнедельное меню

2018-02-07 12:09:23

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Competitive documentation for the choice of supplier

Конкурсная документация по выбору поставщика

2018-02-07 12:03:16

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Announcement of the competition

Объявление о конкурсе

2018-02-07 11:48:20

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