Teacher of the new formation

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On January 14, 2020, the Lyceum held open competitive classes on the theme: "model of a modern lesson in pedagogy", organized by the city Department of education. In the direction of" the best teacher of social and humanitarian subjects "in the 9th grade Dosybaev N. K. held a history lesson on the theme" Kazakhstan-Maidan Arsenal". The lesson used active methods and techniques of teaching using digital educational resources. In the direction of "the best teacher of subjects of natural and mathematical direction" teacher of physics Rakhimova G. T. laboratory work No. 3. In the 8th grade, a lesson was held on the topic:" drawing up electric circuits and determining the voltage and current strength in various parts of it". In practice, the basic knowledge of new students in the preparation of electrical circuits was consolidated during laboratory work.According to the updated content of education, feedback and assessment forms were used. In the 5th grade, a math lesson was held on the topic "determining a number by part and part of a number". Interdisciplinary communication was carried out with the use of project technologies. STEM with the use of technology pupils on the laptop www.tinkercard.com lead the prisoner coubt the way through the program. In accordance with the requirements of the modern lesson learningapps.org with the app.
      Balgabaeva G. M held a pre-school class on the theme "magic forms". During the lesson, various tasks were performed, aimed at the correct name and the ability to distinguish geometric shapes in pre-school students. Students made various forms with LEGO constructors, formed the first mathematical skills.
Date: 14.01.2020, 18:17 Author: Lyceum №2