The great place of Кarkaralу!

The great place of Кarkaralу!
In accordance with article 37 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 23, 2001 "About local state management and self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan", article 32 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 4 December 2008, orders of the Minister of economy and budget planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 13, 2013 №73 "On approval of Rules of preparation and submission of budget requests"
This event was organized in order to implement the educational project "Abay-rukhaniyattyn Altyn kazygy" of the Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay and on the eve of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. Such a journey, which coincides with the project's goals, has a cognitive value. Continuing work on the implementation of the educational project to view the kunanbai Kazha mosque, included in the list of "100 Holy places of Kazakhstan", developed on the basis of the direction "Geography of sacred lands of Kazakhstan" in the program "rukhani zhangyru". The study, promotion items related to spirituality, Abay Abay heritage, thereby enhancing the spirituality of the students, the formation of patriotism, patriotism, patriotism and patriotism is the main part of our work on the project.
Date: 7.11.2019, 16:52 Author: Lyceum №2