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"Hearth warming your soul"

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-15 07:13:48
Rafikova O., educator 8 "B" class. In the framework of the "workshop for educators" was held an open social hour "Hearth warming the soul", with the aim of forming beliefs on the importance of family. Was used: 1. Scene ("Like a family?") 2. Analysis of conflict situations 3. Preparation cinquain about family 4. Parable 5. Drafting of the...


Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-15 07:12:40
13.04.2017 G. Teacher 1 "B" class Sapargalieva A. S., in "seminar teachers" held an open event social hour on the theme "Protect the native land nature". During the event, used group work, the event was held in the form of cognitive games.

"What is the ABC of Economics"

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-15 07:11:36
11.04.2017 in 7 "B" class was the political information on the topic: "What is the ABC of Economics" And educational conversation "is not easy to live". The purpose of political information: create the ability to see the relationship of people within various sectors of the economy; to develop the ability to analyze, generalize. The political informers of th...

Open self-study

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-15 07:10:22
Open self-study
10.04.2017 year 2 teacher "B" class Gordeeva T. A. held an open self-study in Russian language and literary reading. In Russian language the children have learned the rules and completed the exercise. Used pair work and individual work. In reading the children retold the work of D. Kruse "Talking machine", answered questions. The children were active, doing homework. The e...

"Family in my life."

Category: Seminar Tutors
Date: 2017-04-15 07:09:05
04.04.2017 g 6 "B" class Held: Polit information and counseling. Topic: "the mode of the day in my family", "Family in my life." In the course of his political information and conversation, the children expressed their opinions, with the children were conducted the following types of work: crossword puzzles about the family, solved the puzzles and worked in...

RULES for the use of the Internet in educational institutions of the Karaganda region

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2017-04-14 03:54:22
RULES for the use of the Internet in educational institutions of the Karaganda region
RULES for the use of the Internet in educational institutions of the Karaganda region RULES for the use of the Internet in education organizations 1. General provisions 1.1. These Rules of use of the Internet in the organizations of education (further – Rules) regulate the conditions and procedure for the use of the Internet by students, pupils, teachers and other employees of educa...


Category: Career guidance
Date: 2017-03-31 06:23:29
27.03.2017 year pupils 8 – 9 classes of our school in the framework of the preparation of students to professional self-determination and choice of profession were invited to vocational College No. 4 and Polytechnic College. For children were organized interesting excursions for schools viewing a video about the College (Polytechnic), familiarity with educational workshops and the oppor...

Maundy Thursday

Category: The day of purity
Date: 2017-03-31 06:16:53
Maundy Thursday
With 30.03.2017 year started the spring cleanup of the city after the winter period. To boarding school secured the outside World. With the technical staff on the street and collected garbage and leaves, swept the sidewalk, cleaned the irrigation ditches.


Category: Gala concert
Date: 2017-03-28 04:25:34
22.03.2017 Passed a city holiday "Nauryz", where the children of our school took part in the theatrical procession with demonstration performances of dance "Cheerleaders".


Category: Gala concert
Date: 2017-03-28 04:23:34
21.03.2017, the city Passed a celebratory concert devoted to the holiday "Nauryz". Where the students of our school participated, Potemkin A. in the lead, and the dance group of children performed a dance to "Nauryz".

The second stage of the Day School 2017

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-03-28 04:21:02
The second stage of the Day School 2017
15 March 2017 in OSIOT completed the second stage of the School Day – 2017. On this day the boys tried to surprise guests with teamwork, creating a school logo, which was shown in the propaganda team in the form of a creative report of the children-pencils. In the school Museum the students of class 7B invited guests to take a tour of our beloved city by offering their new poster mat...


Category: The event
Date: 2017-03-17 10:58:26
               17.03.2017 in the boarding school among 8-9 classes held a holiday "Nauryz-2017". The guys at the event sang songs about Nauryz, danced folk dances, the teachers showed traditions and customs. Favorite students the custom of "Shashu" was greeted with joy, as all children like sweets. The seco...

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