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Farewell, beloved school

Category: Solemn line
Date: 2017-05-22 11:08:04
Farewell, beloved school
22.05.2017 was held the last school ruler, where the boys were reminded about the rules of behavior in public places, on the water and the waterfront. On the ruler the last time were students in grades 9. They thanked the teachers for the knowledge they had received for nine years of schooling. In the end the children sang the song "goodbye, my love school!"

Pedagogical Council

Category: Pedagogical advice
Date: 2017-05-22 10:23:33
Pedagogical Council
22.05.2017 years passed faculty Council agenda : 1. To be admitted to exams, students in grades 5-8 and transfer students in grades 1-4. 2. Awarding students a commendable sheets 3. Summer vacation for students and his organization. On the first question, Deputy, Director OIA Akhmetzhan S. A. presented the teachers with the Orders on the end of the school year, as well with the sched...

Farewell to elementary school

Category: The event
Date: 2017-05-20 07:45:22
Farewell to elementary school
20.05.2017 the event among 4 classes, devoted to "farewell to the elementary school". The children sang, danced, recited poems. At the end of the Director, made a farewell speech. The children were awarded with diplomas.

National championship in sailing

Category: School news
Date: 2017-05-17 09:58:17
National championship in sailing
Passed the Republican sailboat championship de participated school student Intern kalen A. and took the third place. The championship was held in Kapshagai reservoir. The first day was preparation of the yachts to the competition in the second 12 hours of the day, it was the competition itself which was attended by children from many cities of Kazakhstan. The competition was held exciting and in...

Solemn line dedicated to may 9

Category: Solemn line
Date: 2017-05-06 04:37:22
Solemn line dedicated to may 9
6 may 2017 in boarding school held a solemn line dedicated to the 72 anniversary of the great Victory. Leading told about the hard time those years, how many had to suffer Soviet people, the cost of Victory. All the fallen in war teaching and student groups observed a minute of silence. In line guys faked military action, read monologues, who went to war young soldiers, singing songs of Victory....

The competition staged military songs

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-05-06 04:35:25
The competition staged military songs
5 may 2017 in boarding school held a competition staged military songs. Performed by students of grades 5-9. The guys with all the responsibility came to the event prepared good songs, uniforms and attributes for the mock. The results of the 3rd place got 9A class 2nd place – 8A and 9B classes 1st place – 5B class and the Grand Prix – 8B class. All participants received a lo...

"Beware Of Extremism"

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-05-02 11:31:30
28.04.2017 the city Held an open event on the theme: "beware of Extremism". The event was held Astanova U. N. between 6-7 classes. Goal: -the example of the concept of patriotism, to explain the essence of the concept of terrorism, its types and purpose. Form of conducting: oral journal Watched the videos "About heroes of former times...." and "capture of hostages...

"Day of financial literacy"

Category: School news
Date: 2017-05-02 11:23:37
29.04.2017 in boarding school held a "Day of financial literacy". The day started with a school ruler, where students got acquainted with the schedule of its carrying out. After 3,4 th lesson in each class class teachers conducted class hours on the topics of UMTS data. After school conducted extracurricular activities, grouped according to age features of pupils.

"Making panels. Bulk flowers"

Date: 2017-05-02 11:20:14
29.04.2017 G. elementary school teacher Miroshnichenko N. With. within the subject decade MO "Espalda" held an open lesson on labor education, on the theme "making panels. Bulk flowers". On lesson, students worked in pairs for the templates picking flowers, which were combined into a single panel. Each pair defended their work at the end of the lesson.

"The day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan"

Category: Open event
Date: 2017-05-02 11:14:49
On the eve of the celebration of the "Day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstan" in the boarding school held a concert for pupils of 5-9th forms. The children took an active part in solving riddles and Proverbs of the peoples living on the territory of Kazakhstan. Artists for school children sang songs, showed Tatar, Russian folk dance, and fiery dance of peoples of the Caucasus "lezg...

"Safer Internet"

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2017-04-21 05:29:44
Information on the activities carried out during the national campaign "safer Internet" on OSIOT     From 10 to 20 April 2017 at the initiative of the Committee for the protection of children's rights of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held the Republican information campaign "Safe Internet".    The mai...

"Beautiful garden"

Category: Extracurricular activities
Date: 2017-04-20 04:44:37
10 April 2017 in the school - General boarding was conducted training "Beautiful garden" 4 "A" class. Purpose:consolidation cool collective and effective interaction of students with each other. The creation of a favorable psychological climate, overcoming the barrier of interpersonal relationships, development of communication skills. In training was attended by 10 stu...

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